
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peace At Last

The last week has been particularly hard as our 21 year old cat has been ailing. Basil died on Friday and I really can't begin to tell you how awful it feels without him. He slipped away in our arms and we truly could not have asked for a more beautiful day. It was sunny and mild and the whole family was with him - sitting around him in our garden and trying to cry silently.

Only yesterday someone on the radio said -
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I am trying to remember this.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Press and photos!

I am back at another school so have been silent for a few weeks. In the last week or so I have had an article in this German Felting Journal and guess what! I made the front cover!
I am so pleased because it is such a high quality publication and the images look great - even if you can't read German the photos speak a thousand words. The piece on the cover is called "Breakaway" and now lives in South Korea
Good quality shots are ESSENTIAL if you are going to keep track of your work over a long period of time. It is so easy to forget pieces the moment they leave you. With a brain that finds it hard to slow down on possible creations and designs, it is the only record of what I have done.
When I am unable to come up with a new idea, a good folio of photos is the only way to refresh my mind. So my advice is - don't let it get out the door - even if it is a gift - without
a photo or two to add to your records. Clients love looking through your folio to see what they can order as well.
When I am 80 and can't roll my felt anymore and my memory is less than perfect - at least I will have a reminder of what on earth I did for all those years!