
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New felt birds and new resolutions!

Dear friends
Well hello 2012! I have to confess right here and now that I just don't do new year resolutions. I am so bad at keeping them and then I get cross with myself. The ancient Romans started the popular trend although the Babylonians preceded them - making plans to own more livestock by the following year.
So although I don't need any livestock or extra sacks of grain by the end of the year I do intend to make little weeny steps of improvement and the first one is to put some work up on my etsy site often. It is SO covered in cobwebs I will need to do a clean!

These little handmade felt birds are the first to appear and will be up by the end of the week.

I have had such fun making the felt and constructing them and am just adding a bit of hand embroidery to them before they are ready.

Well every best wish for keeping new resolutions - apparently having a friend that you check in with each week is a good method for helping to stick to them. A great excuse for meeting each week for coffee - unless of course your New Year's Resolution is to give up coffee!!

Happy creating!
