
Friday, March 30, 2012

Journal Class Update

Hi friends,

Well I am so thrilled that the new journal class will be going ahead!

For those of you who may be wondering - YES I am still felting and messing around with wool and fleece.

Having said that - I do find that a break is good for all creative endeavours. Whether or not it is another art form or rock climbing or raising chickens or just catching up on that pile of books that is stacking up by the bed.

Apparently when I was little I could be occupied for literally hours with Clag and scissors and paper and watercolours and and and.......... Well nothing has changed. Still loving it!

Hoping everyone is happily creating this week




Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Class - Starting SOON!!

Dear Friends,
Isn't it funny that when you have an idea about something, someone else you know or read about or meet has had exactly the same thought as well.

A month or so ago I decided to run another journal class and lo and behold a couple of students asked me in the same week! Weird how thoughts float around in the air and just arrive in our hearts or minds simultaneously. Serindipity I guess.

Instead of a limited number of days or hours this will be an open ended time frame with an Wednesday evening class once every 2 weeks.

New techniques will be taught each session with many topics covered. Starting with inspiration and jumping off techniques we will progress through a myriad of tools and media.

As we work on backgrounds to add to a journal we will also make a Background Binder to record each tehnique as a great reference tool for the future. Often backgounds get so hidden by multilayering it is hard to analyze the original method or colourway. Keeping a record of each is a great way to keep track of this.

Starting next month in April and meeting once a fortnight will be the Wednesday night journal class. I only have space for 6 students so I look forward to hearing from you if you are interested!

Every best wish
