
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things have been happening!

Dear Friends,
I can hardly believe how much time has passed since last I wrote! Well late last month I had a birthday and decided to have an art party where 3 dear friends came over and we painted all day - OH YES and lots of food. It was a really memorable day. Above is the lovely Ro who is hard at work

Philippa concentrating really hard and wearing her lab/art coat. It was a really cold day but it didn't seem to matter as we messed around with paint and brushes and canvas and and and ................

These shots are of the canvas that I produced and I am so pleased because it is very different to my regular efforts.

Painted muslin attached to the canvas with holes torn into it

The main job that has been taking all my time is a wonderful residency that I have been doing at St Leonards college in Hampton, Melbourne. Preps to Grade 5 have worked so hard to make all the elements that have been created for this work.

Below are felts ready for cutting into trees and birds and more!

Isn't this just the loveliest wash line you ever saw?

Positioning all the prefelts ready for the final felting.

The greens are just so scrummy - I think I must be using more green and pink than any other shades at the moment!

FINALLY, here is the whole thing - I find it very hard photographing large works when they are on the floor - even standing on a stool it is tricky to get the whole piece in frame. When the school installs it I will be able to get a much better shot.

I don't do figures in 2D work very often but am really pleased with the results. The children drew me pictures of all the elements and I then took them home to turn into patterns for the various pieces.

I love the little girl on the swing  - having the children barefooted was really important because the school year is so very serious with school uniforms and laced up shoes so some artwork showing the freedom of just playing and having fun was our main focus.

I love the hollyhocks - preps made the prefelt for them, grade 3 made the centres and grade 4 shaped the flowers - WHAT TEAMWORK!

Here is Henry growing literally by the day - pretending to fit into this cane basket lid.

He seems to be getting fluffier too!

This is the look each morning I get him up - I don't think he could be happier although Nelly still won't have a bar of him. Will keep you posted when she stops hissing into each room she passes.

Hoping everyone is finding some creative time this week

Lots of Love