
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Patchwork Felt Class - student work

 Hi everyone!
Well we have well and truly started the new year and classes are about to begin again in the studio which is very exciting. Today as I was in the studio, I was dwelling on my students. I think the happiest times in my life are when they come to the studio to create, feeling free to try something new and make a super happy mess!

Some I see only once, some I see half a dozen times and then there are those that have been with me for years and have become such lovely friends. With that in mind I decided to go through some photos and show you some of their efforts.

These photos are from the Patchwork Class. Some samples are from Australia and some from New Zealand.
Aren't they just gorgeous?

I hope your week is going well
Lots of Love
Elizabeth xxx

 A panel really benefits from a slightly larger focal point.

 Many shades of the one colour have great cohesion - as long as you throw in a zinger!

 These crisp little blue squares are perfect against the blended colour

 This piece reminds me that colour is so close to our hearts. The way it makes you feel, the visual comfort and often the memories it evokes.

 Although this piece is in progress I just adore the colour selection. It wouldn't matter if I had the same shades it would look completely different!

 Colours that we find in nature are always wonderful to celebrate in art. These Autumn tones resonate with us all I am sure.

The beauty of these pieces is how you can enjoy them from any direction

 Now and then you can see a little creature crawl into your work!

 These colours are very enticing - the whole piece is very reminiscent of a landscape

The next dates for the Patchwork class are over on the Workshops Page.

I will also be teaching this in May in NSW would love to see you there!
Just contact Caroline Sharkey here for all the exciting details!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jan February March and April Classes!

Dear Friends
How lovely - the start of a brand New Year!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful festive and peaceful period with family and friends.

I really must apologize for the delay in getting these new dates out. In December, our beloved cat Nellie passed away suddenly and we were in shock for quite a few weeks. We are all trying to just get a move on and I guess I have struggled with that over the festive period. At any rate it is going to take a bit of getting used to.
It is no excuse really but in case you were wondering....

I really hope to see you in class soon and don't forget, if you can't find a date that suits you and you have a couple of friends who would like to attend as well just get in touch. We can always find a day somewhere that will suit.

Basket of Flowers
2 weeks
10th and 17th March
19th and 26th April
I adore making flowers and finding new ways to use them. In this great beginner class we create flat and sculptural felt as well as cords, balls and wired curls! SO lots of great things to try out. Once all the elements are gathered we will applique them to a fabric base to create a really beautiful wall hanging.


Beautiful Bowls and Vessels!
2 week class
3rd and 10th February
21st and 28th April
To make seamless, three dimensional felt is just so exciting! Although this is more of an intermediate technique, beginners are certainly welcome. Mastering this technique is just wonderful because it is the key to bags and hats and so much more!

Beginners Collage Felt
1 week
25th January
22rd February
3rd Mach
Waiting to begin? Then this is definitely for you! Beginners Collage Felt is great fun and you will be amazed at how gorgeous your felt will turn out. You will discover how to add fabrics, yarns, fibres and prefelt shapes.

Nuno Techniques
2 weeks
17th and 24th February
24th and 31st March
22nd and 29th April
One of my most popular classes is nuno or fabric felt. Using silk and cotton and linen you can achieve some really stunning results. These 2 weeks involve 6-8 different samples. A great way to discover the many methods of achieving this gorgeous technique.

Design to Felt
3 weeks
15th 22nd and 29th March
Have you ever wanted to start from scratch designing your own beautiful felts and textile pieces?  Then this may just be for you! You will create a set of your own designs using watercolours and inks on luscious watercolour paper from which one may be chosen to turn into your own felt masterpiece!
Perfect for the beginner or more experienced felter.

Patchwork Felt
3 weeks
25th March 1st and 8th April
Patchwork felt is a study in colour and prefelts. A great range of prefelts are made which are then turned into a magnificent  patchwork of colours! Hand embroidery is also included with a study of stitches that can be used to enhance the design.

3 Weeks
4th 11th and 18th March
Trees are a big part of our lives. In all shapes and sizes and colours they have the ability to enhance each day. For quite some years I have had loads of fun creating felts I could turn into trees! In this class there will be several textile methods covered to make these stunning textile trees!


Felt Folio
5 week class
21st and 28th January 4th 11th 25th February
Felt Folio is my longest running class! A great introduction to many felting techniques including prefelts, lace, nuno, collage and more! In week 5 I give everyone a folder and we mount the gorgeous samples, thus providing a wonderful resource for future study.

All classes run from 10.00 until 1.00 pm

I am located in Springvale in Melbourne, Australia

I only take 4-6 students per class

PRICE: 1 Day Class  $60.00 + materials
             2 Day Class $120.00 + Materials
             3 Day Class $180.00 + Materials
             Felt Folio $370.00 (5 weeks) includes all materials

Materials depend on the size of the project - a requirements list is sent upon enrolment but there is plenty of wool here if you need to purchase some.

PAYMENT: Payment can be made by direct deposit or through PayPal
All rolling mats, soap, nets are provided in class there is no need to bring your own!
For all classes please bring:
a couple of old towels,
a plastic bag to take home damp felt
notebook and pen
pair of scissors

Group bookings are welcome and I am happy to travel interstate

Payments can be made through direct deposit or through PayPal

To make a booking please email me here