
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Corners of my Studio

To put you in the picture, these photos show you where I work - or more correctly - where I go to play.
Here you will find good music, good coffee and lots of stash to
make art with.

I am very lucky - the studio is under the house and stays warm in winter and takes quite a long time to get hot in
Summer. There are 2 smallish windows one that looks out onto the garden - currently very neglected - and one
that looks onto a grey wall. On this side I installed glass bricks which are fab. Light without the ugly view.

Before I had this space it was a dark storage area. I can hardly remember those days now. I spent very little money on it - just the window, waterproof carpet, bit of paint and
cork for the walls. Oh yes and the plumbing - of course the
biggest bill and apart from the tap you can't see a thing.
All the furniture is recycled stuff from the house. I even have
the first wardrobe I had as a baby.

1 comment:

  1. I am bowled over by your work and the colours and combinations of pattern, design and materials you use in your work. You are a truly talented Artist and I admire your work a great deal.

    I love how you've shared your studio with us all and I must say it's so cosy and looks to be a place of relaxation, creativity and inspiration. You are truly fortunate to have such a haven under your house :-)
