
Friday, October 3, 2008

The Changing Seasons - Wall Installation

I have been hard at work trying to make sense of the mountain of felt that I have made with the Grade 3's from PLC Junior School (Presbyterian Ladies College).

Two great boxloads of felt have resulted in a lovely tree that changes throughout the seasons.

It will be installed at the end of a corridor outside the main hall so that students and staff may see it as the move along this section of the school. This is the background so far and then there are all the pieces to add on top................................Can hardly wait to show you!


  1. Wow! Elizabeth! That is SO beautiful!!!Wish I could see it in person! just amazing!!!

  2. This piece looks amazing! Thanks to The Funky Felter you have tagged over at my blog.  You’ll find the rules right here.  I hope you’ll participate!

  3. Your work is amazing!! I can't believe that I hadn't come across your blog before. I have been missing out. I'll have to visit often to see what beautiful and inspiring creations you are making :)

  4. The Rules:

    * Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
    * Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random and some weird.
    * Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
    * Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
    YOu've been tagged Elizabeth!
    Love your work....visit your blog often.
    Have fun!
    Suzanne Higgs

  5. Thanks ladies!
    I haven't been tagged before so
    thanks for that!
    I will try and follow the rules for my next posting!

  6. Hallo Elizabeth,
    quanto sei brava! Complimenti!
    grazie per quello che ci mostri.
    Saluti cari.

  7. What a lot of work! Will you felt it all together or use an embellisher?
    Looking forwards to the results!!
