
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Long Overdue Post!

I am remarkably tardy in keeping up with this blog. I am really sorry to those of you who have actually logged in to see if I have got my act together.
From hereon I will attempt to stick to a weekly post!

Earlier this year I was very lucky to have an article printed in Cloth Paper Scissors - I was absolutely staggered to discover that I had been selected on the cover as well!

It is amazing how you plug away at your craft for years and then such a lucky and delightful thing comes along like this!


  1. >you plug away at your craft for years and then such a lucky and delightful thing comes along ...

    But so totally well deserved!! You make such fantastic stuff Elizabeth - good on you!

  2. Thankyou for your lovely words Cath
    You never know who is reading out there!

  3. Hi Elizabeth, well done, and so well deserved, I recognised your work instantly. I will never forget how you helped me in my life. All the best
    Sue Niven
