
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Progress in twilight colours

Now that I have started work with these shades I find that they remind me of twilight - you know that gorgeous lavender time of day - when the sun has set and the dark is still a little way off. It seems that shadows are a beautiful magical shade of lavender grey.

I just love it - I think Autumn is a good time for witnessing this.

When the light is golden and and hard edges disappear.


  1. The proof is in the final product and this piece is as lovely as your brightly colored works. I'm fairly convinced that you can do just about any color combination in felt and the results will be wonderful. I however have had some serious mishaps with color. Thanks God for dye pots! Very nice work on your part.

  2. Its a magically atmospheric piece.

  3. you are such an inspiration to me - this is really wonderful - I know just what you mean about colours - my hand and eye always goes to the bright bonkers colours - combinations that scream at each other but end up working - so it is a real challenge to go against the grain and produce something as sensational as this. do you ever come to the UK to lead workshops? i would be first on the list! enjoy autumn as I come into spring!

  4. YES! This time is so wonderful...stars began to twinkle, it is nearly dark though you can see nearly everything...but in winter, when it is snowy it is not lavender colored. Then we see the most shades of blue.
    You got the right colors.

    Best regrds from a hungarian felter


  5. Yes I see what you mean - both by colour challenge and twilight colour scheme... I tend to try to contrast a lot too... Hmmm must think about that for next time. I also noticed that I tend to stock "my" colours... so not a lot of greys purples or pinks for example, but more orange, red and greens insead..

  6. Elizabeth,
    that's a wonderful studio!!! Congratulations for your beautyful work... Visit my blog:

  7. Love these colours too...and the dolls...and birds...I would love to take a class with you, and you're not that far from my home in Blackburn!...lucky me.... I would love to make flowers as well..just like Jacky made...I will be keeping in touch...xx

  8. Thankyou so much everyone!
    I really do appreciate your comments and am thrilled that you like this most recent of works!

    I hope your creative endeavours are bringing you much joy

    Love from
