
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wonderful class last week!

Last weekend I had more lovely students in class and we had a most gorgeous day!
Dot and Jacky had a wonderful time discovering the wonderful world of felt and produced excellent results. I have very high hopes for them - I really feel they will be beautiful felt artists.
As you can see Jacky is hard at work - concentrating hard - but Dot took time to smile for the camera! Actually she didn't stop grinning all day. In fact I was certain she probably drove home that way as well! What a happy world if we were all this delighted.
Ahhhhhh.............................. I know, we should all be felting!


  1. Great to see pics of myself and the lovely Jacky during our first felting adventure!

    And many thanks for your kind words about the felt we created. I am certain this is going to be a passion for a long, long time :)

    And I most definitely drove home grinning. And that smile has rarely left my face since your class.

    Yes - we should all be felting (wouldn't that make the world a colorful and better place?).

    Roll on July 4!

  2. Hi Elizabeth...what a lovely post (or I should say posts... Cecile looks lovely in her post!).

    Dot and I had a wonderful day in your studio on my fabulous surrounded by beautiful art, all of those colourful treasures and of course you too!

    I love the felting process. Hard work all of that rolling, but when you see the finished product just WONDERFUL.

    I cant wait until July 4 to make my scarf!!!

    Thank you for a wonderful day (and a new addiction).

    Jacky xox

  3. Hi Girls!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    I am thrilled to bits you have fallen in love with felting and don't worry Jacky, you don't notice the rolling aches after a while! LOL!

    It is just a new rhythm to get into and great music is a big help.

    See you in July

  4. I am so going to have to try this wet felting, I love all the colours!! Any tips on a guide to getting started?

  5. These two are wonderful ladies, they often attend my workshops are so entertaining as well as creative.

  6. oh my gosh, look at your wonderful studio!!! you must have a blast in there!!
