
Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hi everyone,
This week is panning out OK. The best thing about a bad run is the up side at the end of it.
Don't you think? The only way is up baby.....................

Righto, soon to be put on etsy are a new selection of starter Felt kits that include my beloved merino. The kit includes wool, wool batt and a selection of fibres, fabrics and yarns to get you going on your own magnificent felt masterpiece. There is also a packet of soap flakes and plastic
that I use that make the process easier.

The kits will be $50.00 and will include instructions that are laminated so that you can read them with wet hands!!!

I would be so pleased with your thoughts and any colour suggestions you think would be groovy.
Otherwise you get stuck with my colour palette!

Wishing you a colourful day!
love Elizabeth


  1. Oh my these look scrumptious, might have to give it a try.

  2. What luscious colours!!! Great idea Elizabeth and I love how you thought to laminate the instructions...can get a bit messy felt making (which is why I love it!!)

    Jacky xox
