
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Got it right this week!

Well, remember last week how I got it completely wrong - waiting for students that didn't arrive? Well this week they came - exactly when they should!!! And voila here they are working hard at their first piece of felt.

This is Anna creating some magic with lime and golden yellow and orange.

When you are painting with wool, something very wonderful happens. There is no worry, there is no pressure there is only possibility and freedom. Surely we all deserve as many of those days as possible?

From left, Anna, Michelle, Carolyn and Annette. Destined to be beautiful felters don't you think?

Have a great week!

Love Elizabeth


  1. OOH...wish I was there! Looks like so much fun!

  2. I think they look very happy, and why not, those colours and the act of creation together. Lovely yardage.
