
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stocking up

Hi Everyone!
Well struggling through more hot weather has sent me into the studio, which many of you will know is under the house. The temperature is very even all year and just wonderful for escaping the hot northerly winds.
As a result I have been managing to get a bit done. As you know last week I was mad about carding wool - well it got so addictive I have been through every box, tub, shoebox and bag to locate any possible leftover fleece that could be added to the pile.

I am so lucky I now have batts ready for felting - for no particular project - just the luxury of them waiting to be something, someday is just wonderful!

I so love rainbow shades - they are just so energizing! Don't you think?

It would appear that I have been hard at work planning a stunning colourway -
DON"T YOU BELIEVE IT!!! I just used what was at hand - so very liberating somehow.

On reflection it was amazing how many spots I found odd handfuls of wool scrap leftovers.
At least I can't imagine there is wool somewhere under the table in a bag - there just isn't!

Hoping that wherever you are, your week is filled with colour,

Love from


  1. Oh, I am a wool lover too! Those colors are wonderful!!!
    greetings from ohio
    OWOH #322

  2. What a beautiful colour combination Elizabeth. I love the silks I bought from you recently and can't wait to put them to use.

  3. Howdy ladies!
    Thankyou - The felt is now made and I am madly stitching - I don't know what has happened to me but I can't wait to see it done and this is providing the impetus to hurry!

    Don't forget to post your results Ro!

  4. I don't know how I found your blog but so glad I did - what an inspiration - the colours, textures and ideas - pity we are on the other side of the planet!!! Pop over to our blog shop and see what we get up to on a cold winter's day in England.

  5. Lovely warm colours, it grey and drizzly here. It sound like you had such fun!

  6. lovely. Just what I needed on these cold, grey days of Winter! Heather
