
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Leaves and Gardens

Hi friends!
Busy in the studio today - finished a piece of felt which has turned out to be a garden. The great thing about garden pieces is that you can stitch them, either by hand or machine or both, as much as you like.

One thing I have noticed however is that stitching onto felt is best left as simply as possible. I can recall pieces where I did intricate stitching, looking up Victorian stitches in old books and in the end I was really quite unhappy with the result.

Getting ready to stitch. It will probably take a good few weeks to do - which doesn't matter in the slightest!

Assorted hand spun yarns felted in.

Oh yes I meant to mention - this is the carded wool which I was so excited about at the end of January (see Utilising Scrap )

These are the silk leaves from the other day now stitched into position. I just love adding silk paper cutouts to other pieces of work. They add such sparkle and somehow give a lovely floaty quality above the background. Funny though, I made this piece of silk paper one day when I made a pile to have in stock. It has been waiting for the right home for absolutely ages!

I often do that. Making extra elements for fun knowing that one day they will come in handy.
I really had no idea what I would do with this piece of silk paper but am pleased it has finally been used. This is my year to use stuff up!

Piecing is all done and here are the threads I have selected for the hand stitching.

Starting to all come together!

Well the weather bureau PROMISED - I mean PROMISED rain and it all bypassed us. Can someone please tell me why it is that we know about every dint on the surface of the moon and can tell what is happening on Mars and in galaxies at the back of beyond but "they" never get the local weather right?

Oh well, here's hoping for tomorrow!



  1. Elizabeth!!! Your glorious felted piece reminds me of a field of new poppies or a clump of fiddlehead ferns!! absolutely stunning!! As soon as it warms up and all of this ridiculous snow melts, I plan to muscle in to some felting!!You are such a wonderful Inspiration!!!!!
    Wooly Hugs!!

  2. Dear Elizabeth
    YOu simply must give it a go. Thankyou so much for your beautiful words that you send each time. It really makes my day


  3. Thanks as always for sharing, beautiful and inspirational

  4. Absolutely stunning work and photos. I love the textures in the garden piece of felt and the beautiful colours and sheen of the silk leaves. Lovely!

    Carolyn ♥

    ps. I'm having a giveaway on my blog ... ends on Valentine's Day!

  5. Wonderful colors...fab texture. Looks like Leicester? You use such joyful colors.

  6. wonderful piece of felt! I'm sooo impressed with your color choices. (ok, and skill!!_
