
Sunday, March 14, 2010

In the studio today......

Hi friends
In the studio today I admitted to myself that being tidy is something I am very partial to. Now this is really strange because up until fairly recent times I was quite content to work in absolute squalor!
I pulled stuff out, found what I was looking for (or didn't as the case was) and just stepped over everything and left it all out until I couldn't really see anything properly.
I figured that if I left it out then something else was ready to be brought into the mix - you know what I mean - just in case.

I love collections of things around me. I do admire those beautiful clean, cool homes that are modern and sleek. I just don't think I could live in one - somehow the contained clutter suits me and is somehow so very comforting.

It is just the same when you have close friends over. Everything is OK, everything is comfortable, everything gets back into proportion. Thank goodness for friends both near and far.

Check out the clean floor - now that is what I call a thing of beauty!

Working on a new wall doll. Grey on grey - yep it's me Elizabeth and I'm working with grey!

Really loving the effects of it too!

Chat soon,




  1. Your floor sparkles!! Sadly mine does not!!! I love putting pops of color on the neutral gray- the gray really shows everything else off!! Looking forward to seeing where this is going!!

  2. Your studio is a magic place. Tidy is good.I can be tidy now I am RETIRED!!!I don't do 15 things at once anymore!!It is so lovely to go into the studio when it's all tidy and start afresh every day.Well done!!
    Love your felt work.felt is a friendly fibre!!

  3. Hi ladies
    Thanks for posting!
    Abigail I now believe grey is lovely too! Probably because you can buy so ,uch clothing in it now as well.
    Carolyn - I am hoping my mind stays tidy!
    Elizabeth the flooring is marine carpet - used in wet areas on boats and around swimming pools
    easy peasy to clean!
    Hi judy I love being in the studio too and am going to wage war against creating in a pig sty!
