
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Work this week............

Dear Friends,
I hope everyone is well and relaxing into a lovely weekend. Some silk and black merino wool felt flowers. I was very honoured to be asked to make a corsage each for Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney who are both currently in Australia.

These were presented this evening and can you believe the car wouldn't start and eveyone else was out so that I couldn't even see them receiving them! Here's hoping they liked them!

They are attached to pins rather than brooches for extra stability.

An extra few were made so that I could select my 2 faves. I go through cycles with flowers, I make heaps to have in the studio and take to workshops and then do none for weeks!

Two layers were stitched together and then a felted ball was beaded to create the centre.

More collage patchwork with silk paper leaves and assorted felts and fabrics. I simply can't stick to one thing! No matter how hard I try - I have to swap between projects so that my concentration stays on target. Whenever I think about doing 15 or 20 of the same thing in succession I immediately don't want to start. I am happy to do 50 similar items but over a much greater period of time.

Autumn colours to match our beautiful season at the moment.

New doll on the drawing board.

My favourite type of washing. I could hang out basketloads of this. I will have to choose a new spot when the sweet peas grow again. This felt is for an order and will be made into a cushion with any luck within a day or two!
Hoping everyone is doing lots of creative gorgeousness even if it does mean swapping from project to project.
Lots of love, friends


  1. swapping from project to project is something i do constantly! lovely patchwork piece.

  2. Your work is always so beautiful. fun to see it all.

  3. I love the flowers! And that piece on the line? Gorgeous! I too go from project to project, a little of this and a little of that but sometimes I spread out too much. Some felting here, some quilting there, some painting, making ATC's, altered books, beading. I need to watch myself so I can at least focus on one thing at a time.

  4. I am sure they loved them ....I do they are Yummy......and the spotty felt is amazing ...inspiring post with felt eye candy !!.......Lorna

  5. I know they loved them, stunning flowers! Jumping from creation to creation is what keeps us breathing isn't it? ;) I will definately be getting some wool out tomorrow!

  6. love the circles

  7. Elizabeth--the hanging felt piece is glorious!
    The colors are wonderful and I do so love circles!
    Can't wait to see how it makes up into a cushion!

  8. Hi Elizabeth,

    Love the flowers...I'm sure they were much admired.

    Just received my copy of 1000 Artisan Textiles and a friend and I were oohing and ahhing just yesterday over your submissions. Beautiful!!! Were your ears ringing as we were talking of what a talent you are?


  9. just so beautiful as always. I really loved those flowers
    thanks for sharing

  10. lucky jean and Jan! - love all the work as usual - clever you

  11. HI everyone!
    THankyou so much for posting - I am thrilled you all like the new felt. I simply adore circles and never tire of new colourways in them.
    Dawn my ears wern't ringing!

  12. The corsages are wonderful!! I am sure taht theyw ere a huge hit and will be admired over and over- lucky ladies. I love how the colors pop on the black merino base!!! Simply stunning!!!
    I adore the patchwork and the circle piece is stunning!!

  13. These are really beautiful. What a great accessory for the spring. Lucky ladies.

  14. Your Work is so beautiful. The flowers are amazing and Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn will love them I'm sure.
