
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Poppy Patchwork

Hi dear friends,
My good intentions to post every week are sadly falling down short! I will aim to do better.
Here is an order that was delivered this week. I really enjoy creating other types of work that include varying techniques.
This one contains felt (of course!) hand painted fabric, linens, cotton, silk, silk paper, cheesecloth as well as some hand and machine embroidery.

Why is it do you think that poppies are such an eternal favourite? Is it their emotional connection to Rememberance day for all Australians? Not sure. At any rate they are a comforting flower somehow.

These poppies are painted using the glorious Caran d'arche watercolour crayons - they lie beautifully in a Walkers shortbread tin and sometimes I just open the lid and just gaze at them.
Free motion embroidered to the linen base.

Felt additions stitched by hand and machine.

Metal buttons - I just LOVE them!
Not sure why - these ones are so uncluttered and don't distract from the colours and textures of the fabrics.
I hope everyone is having a great week and finding pockets of time to do lovely things.
Hugs and love


  1. That is a really stunning peice of work. I love poppies.
    A x

  2. Another poppy fan here - Wipso and I have a few poppy pics in our blog shop Sisters Crafty Creations. They lend themselves to all sorts of techniques. I just think its the simple shape and glorious colour. Your Poppy Patchwork is really lovely - a great combination of colour and texture!

  3. Your wall hanging is so beautiful. Happy Birthday, I hope your wish comes true.
    All the best

  4. This is exquisite. really, really beautiful.

  5. Elizabeth, your poppy wall hanging is beautiful.
    Happy Birthday to a Special Lady.
    Love Deb xx

  6. Dear friends
    thankyou so much for posting. I think a few more poppy pieces are in the pipeline!
    Deb and Kaye thankyou for your birthday wishes
    - a busy day but a happy one!
    Hope to see you soon
    Love ELizabeth

  7. Belated happy Birthday E! Hope you had a wonderful day. Your poppy collage is stunning with many lovely details to look at. I love looking at all the different elements in your art.
    And many thanks for the loving comment you left on my blog this week. Your words comforted me and I appreciate you reaching out to me.
    Dot xx

  8. Hi Elizabeth...your poppies are gorgeous. Love the sort of patchwork collage you have created and those caran dache crayons are my most favourite thing!!!! Your poppies look amazing and I am looking forward to seeing more of them.
    Happy Belated Birthday...hope it was a special day for you.

    Jacky xox

  9. Lovely colors, texture and art!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh! Absolutely exquisite work. I adore the mix of vibrant and subtle colours.

  11. Hi Elizabeth,
    this is Silke from Germany. It`s the first time that i write a comment at your site, although I`m reading it for a while. Your poppies are really great! I think that many people love poppies because they remind us at childhood and may be at some romantic moments in our live ("he loves me he loves me not he loves me...). Poppies are simple and plain, but they go right in our heart. That`s what I`m feeling when I see some.
    Wish you a nice time,
