
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Early mornings...............

Hi friends,
This term has been filled with lots of early morning starts again as I head to another primary school. Not as many children as I normally have - but boy have we been busy!
This theme is fairytale and these photos give you an idea of the layout of prefelts we have made before the final push starts and we felt it to completion.

The glorious rosy border was created one evening when I taught a class to all the staff. They got to take a flower home and donate the others to the wall hanging.

You can probably guess the fairytales. Amongst the most popular were Jack and the beanstalk and the Gingerbread Man.

There will be a great deal of add ons created this week. Including other felted items as well as hand and machine embroidery.

All the leaves and the border colour ( which is actually a brick wall ) were created at a parents class. So all in all this has very much been a community project and it will hang in the foyer of the school eventually when it has been framed.

I don't have a favourite bit although the candy canes are pretty special and I just love Red Riding hood and the wolf.

The beanstalk for Jack is on the right hand side of the border with bunches of green beans made by the preps!

Lovely calorie free "lollies" for the Hansel and Gretel cottage.

Wish us luck doing all the final rolling! My arms ache just thinking about it!
Love Elizabeth

Monday, October 25, 2010

Out the back..............

Dear Friends,
Howdy! No I haven't dropped off the end of the world! Just so very busy - I have schools booked all term so lots of felting at primary level! Pics soon.

Also the garden is yelling with new life! This is the view as you come down the stairs out the back door.

This most magnificent shade of yellow - I haven't retouched the photo at all. In actual fact these are the remnants of the winter broccoli and broccolini (baby broccoli) . They have gone to seed of course but they were so pretty that we couldn't bear to remove them - I think that our bees watched with disgust as they were all ripped out this evening.

New cherry blossoms! "So what" I hear you say - well actually cherries take aaaaaaaaaaaaages before you get any fruit. So after 6 years we have blossoms! I know you are all thrilled for us!

More seeded veges - so gorgeous.

Pink geraniums - whenever I am in the garden -and today was a particularly pretty day - I make up lists in my head of my top fave flowers. I am so easily pleased! It changes a bit but geraniums are often in my top five. There are about 100 different shades of pink I am sure.

A recent nuno felt scarf, shades of blue and cinnamon with a few olive and lavender highlights.

It really is wonderful how you can make a regular colourway less predictable by adding a small amount of colour to act as an accent or highlight. I find that I spend a great deal of time thinking about these sorts of additions - what is the element that will make it more unusal.
Frequently it is the colour. Whether these highlights occur during the laying out stage or are saved until embroidery or beads are added doesn't really matter. There are some really great zinger colours - ones that I often dwell on are red, lime, lavender grey and mustard and olive.

Every best wish for a creative week ahead, dear friends