
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Early mornings...............

Hi friends,
This term has been filled with lots of early morning starts again as I head to another primary school. Not as many children as I normally have - but boy have we been busy!
This theme is fairytale and these photos give you an idea of the layout of prefelts we have made before the final push starts and we felt it to completion.

The glorious rosy border was created one evening when I taught a class to all the staff. They got to take a flower home and donate the others to the wall hanging.

You can probably guess the fairytales. Amongst the most popular were Jack and the beanstalk and the Gingerbread Man.

There will be a great deal of add ons created this week. Including other felted items as well as hand and machine embroidery.

All the leaves and the border colour ( which is actually a brick wall ) were created at a parents class. So all in all this has very much been a community project and it will hang in the foyer of the school eventually when it has been framed.

I don't have a favourite bit although the candy canes are pretty special and I just love Red Riding hood and the wolf.

The beanstalk for Jack is on the right hand side of the border with bunches of green beans made by the preps!

Lovely calorie free "lollies" for the Hansel and Gretel cottage.

Wish us luck doing all the final rolling! My arms ache just thinking about it!
Love Elizabeth


  1. This looks brilliant, such fun! Good luck for the final rolling!

  2. Absolutely stunning, I can't wait to see the finished product! Wonderful project.

  3. I did a jelly roll a while back that about killed me. You may know this already, but just in case... Recently, I made a geod by balling it up and pulling a tight sock over it, then submerging in hot, soapy water and squeezing it. In 8 minutes it was far from hard, but hard enough to cut it into sections. I don't know how you do your lollies, but next time I do a jelly roll, I'm going to try encasing it in either a sock or piece of fabric and trying to felt it this way. Good luck! I feel your pain:)!

  4. Amazing piece of Art and I love the way you got the parents and teachers involved!

  5. What a fabulous project, your students must love their art days. I'm just imagining all of that rolling at least there will be lots of them to share the work.

  6. i`m really impressed...this picture is giving me a warm hug for the night.
    Doing all this with various kind of students and parents is very near to my dream of felting - a come together,where everyone find his place, that`s fitting all.
    please excuse my english, it´s a long time i learned your language.
    bleib behütet

  7. What a beautiful project your felt picture is!

  8. Simply beautiful. There is so much life and spirit in these pieces.

  9. I LOVE the felt wall hanging!!When I was teaching, those two were favourite stories too.The Old Fairy Tales really do have a place still!!I wish I could see it in real life, and been able to see everyone working on it.What fun!!

  10. This will be a gorgeous wallhangig !! It´s so amazing just yet. Every little stunning detail....we`re all waiting for the finished project ! Good luck for the rolling

  11. I can just imagine what a fab time you all had. Its great to involve staff and families too. It will last for years and so many people will have so many happy memories of a fun event.

  12. sensational pics! and what a wonderful project!! I Can't wait to see the finished results!! it will be glorious!! wishing I could be there! I know it will be so much fun!

  13. Oh! My! This is simply delightful! Love it. :-)

  14. Thankyou so much for stopping by everyone!
    I think I am as eager as you to see it all in position now!

    I will keep you posted!
    Love ELizabeth

  15. I hope the parents helped rolling. it is a wonderful piece!

  16. Elizabeth. You are amazing to watch working and work with. The project looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it hanging in our foyer. Thank you for your inspiration and talent. Bev

  17. It looks fantastic, I can't wait to see it in its final form!

  18. illiant work it sounds like everyone is having a ball.

  19. This is a pure and utter delight for the senses!!! I just so love all that ou do with these kids!! It is so fabulous that you are involving the other staff as well as the parents!!!!! How wonderful of you to think of that. Brilliant!!! Have you ever had anyone video any of your teaching sessions? I thought of it as I was about half way thru my marathon session with the 90 4th and 5th graders last month. It would be such fun to be able to capture the kids conversations and comments and such as they were working.. Watching them in the process would be fascintating!!! It could become a fabulous Art Teachers teaching guide!!!! Can't wait o see more of this piece!!!

  20. my goodness! this piece is amazing. so much to thrill the eyes. can't wait for you to post the finished piece. what a treat.

    hope you're energy is high and you're getting through all your commitments and having time to work on your book.

