
Monday, July 11, 2011

Beautiful Yorkshire

Dear Friends,
A few more holiday pics! I do hope you are not finding them boring!! Above is the beautiful city of York filled with much history and excellent shopping.

Wandering along The Shambles - an old shopping district with some timber shops that date back to the fourteenth century. Yes that is my Mum on the left - the one grinning!

Gorgeous shoes in a shop called Ness - a Scottish label that has clothes groovy bags accessories the lot! The colours are just so beautiful!

Country lanes near where we were staying.

This is the approach to Fountains Abbey near Ripon in North Yorkshire. It was started in the early 1100's and the stone used was mined close by - we were even able to spot the exact stone in nearby exposed rock seams. I spent ages staring at the colours and there are many shots revealing shades that I think would dye beautifully.

Inside Ripon cathedral - SOOOOOO stunning and we were lucky to chance upon a concert by the local girls choir at lunchtime which was just magic! We had the best crumpets and tea in a great place opposite.

This is out order, but these little wildflowers were at Fountains Abbey clinging on in the most unlikely places.

Arches within arches are a lovely theme for the artist to explore no matter what your discipline.

We were here for so long we didn't notice that we were cold and hungry. There was just so much to see and explore and but for 2 other people, we were the only ones there!

The beautiful colours of the stone and the way it was softening with the passage of time was very beguiling. I kept gazing at all the shades within a wall, an arch even a single stone.

The area below the abbey where the monks kept supplies of food. The bare bones of the structure and the effects of the light upon it were lovely to observe. The hints of green and cinnamon and cream and grey and pale gold and ...........................Just trying to descibe it is quite hard! All you could hear was the wind and the birds.

At one time it must have been simply jaw dropping, before Henry VIII's dissolution of course.

Another early morning wander - a little walk that went for a couple of km's - so white and frothy it reminded me of a bride on her special day.

The view out the back of our B and B which was about 20 minutes from Harrogate.

JUST STUNNING! This part of the world was something I guess I had dreamt about since watching James Herriot - once upon a time! Dry stone walls and green valleys and plenty of sheep!

After wadlling out after breakfast each day - eggs and smoked salmon, the best porridge I have ever had (incidentally it was made with cream!) toast and fruit and of course a huge pot of tea we relly needed to go for a really LONG walk to walk it off so that we could fit on the plane home!

Well time to go - thankyou so much for your interest I promise to post some felt soon!!

Lots of Love




  1. I see that you have had a wonderful vacation! And lots of memories to get you through the winter. hugzz...peebee

  2. Hello Elizabeth, I am glad you had a wonderful trip, thank you for all these great pictures, these brought back memories, I have been to York several times during our 3-year stay in England, just picturesque.

  3. Love this post..l used to live in Ripon and shop in York all the time. Also if you are talking about james herriot counrty, have you been to his museum in Thirsk?

  4. I am glad you liked Yorkshire (my adoptive home county) it is beautiful...but I would say that!

  5. This is like a trip down memory lane. It brings it all back to me after many years away. Harrogate was one of my favourite places.

  6. This is anything but boring! Loved being taken back in time to those wonderful buildings (shops) and Abbey. What architecture! Also liked seeing the people; woman in colorful long skirt and jean jacket and man in a comfortable slouch looking in shop window! Your mum looks very happy indeed!

  7. Fountains is wonderful - such a fantastic contrast from the medieval monastery to the Classical gardens as you walk further into the site. Did you get to Rievaulx (my favourite) or Mount Grace?

  8. It's beautiful, you've captured it so well. I'm really pleased you are enjoying the UK, we are so lucky to have all this heritage! Enjoy and post pic's.

  9. Thanks for sharing those beautiful spots in Yorkshire taken during your vacation. It's like I also went there.

    Cassy from Rock Guitar Lessons

  10. What a lovely stroll through Yorkshire!
    thanks so much for taking us along-beautiful photos!
