
Saturday, September 10, 2011

A little of this and that

Dear friends,
This post is a little of this and that. Here is a small piece of felt made by ME! Yes me! Not children felt, just my felt! I had a small opening of time today and just decided THAT WAS IT!
Grabbing time for oneself even one hour can often be better than any tonic you could possibly take.
Not only are you recharged but you are better for everybody - everyone around you.
They all benefit from your sunshine. OK so it is a form of therapy, but so what!

THe white filminess that you see is a piece of tissue silk with holes cut in it. Being white it takes on the hue of the fleece beneath it. You can see in the border that there is quite a contrast - I just love the way the colours seep through like a watercolour.

Of course a bit of stitching is a a great addition - just deciding how far to go.

Righto PUPPETS with Grade 4 from the school I have been at since the Fairytales (see last post). I just love the way the haphazard stitching takes place. The children make everything but I get the fun of sewing up their desired shape from the patterns they design. I have found that they are completely durable then and don't fall apart.

Figures with grade 6 - Green Gal

The Little Prince


and this fab Pirate that I just LOVE!

Golidlocks - another of the fairytale hangings that I forgot to post last time.

Well that's it for me - heading for a long sleep in - this getting up at 6.00am during the week to get to school on time is just AWFUL!

I hope everyone is doing something llovely this weekend - at least for an hour!!





  1. I love the look of the colors through the silk and the contrast with the bright roving colors , beautiful piece .

  2. Your posts always make me happy...So much beautiful color and of course, your wonderful design-work. I love it!!!

  3. Love the colours. I agree, your colours always work!!

  4. Love your work Elizabeth! Your puppets are so gorgeous, great use of colour and design. Especially love the Little Prince.
