
Monday, October 31, 2011

Bursting Spring.........................

Dear Friends,
I am getting ready to paint more canvas and I generally do a test on paper just to be certain I am heading in the right direction.
So this is the question: Do you think these shapes above look like feathers or leaves?
If you wouldn't mind disregarding the colour and consider the shapes only.
I would be so interested to hear what you think.

We have had some lovely golden days this spring dotted in amongst the violent wind and heavy rain. These days are so lovely and Nelly just adores them. Here she is on the front verandah soaking up some rays.

I just love this position - she looks so 2D like an Egyptian relief. Don't you just love how she keeps her paws warm and everything else is in the shade!

Virginia creeper over the front half of the house - every year mum raves about it and dad threatens to pull it all out. He is quite convinced damage is being done but it truly does keep this front room much cooler.

I think the path is soon going to disappear!

These little carnations smell just gorgeous, I so wish you could smell the fragrance too! Just close your eyes and concentrate really hard!!!! See what I mean?

Well have a wonderful week

Every best wish




Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A good excuse!

Dear Friends,
Over the last weekend I had a stand at a Quilt show run by a girlfriend. This event was to raise money for Eastern Palliative Care in Melbourne.

I had 2 lovely days demonstrating felting and chatting away to the lovely interested public.
With lots of wool and my samples hung up I made a few sales and then towards the end of the day I sold my last 3 canvas and felt figures.

Do you ever have that mixed feeling of wanting to keep your work and sell it as well?
It is a strange sensation. Today I started on a fresh batch of figures and it occurred to me that it was just what I needed - a good excuse to clear the decks and start afresh.

It is imperative to be proud of one's work - but equally important not to get too attached.
More especially if you are to make your living by your art.

So on that contemplative note, I am off to bed,
Cheers until next time

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Home again!

Dear Friends,
Well, home again! I had a wonderful time away in Canberra, teaching members of the Canberra Region Feltmakers - of which I am now a member!!
I think that Canberra has had a great effect on me because I seem to have hit the ground running when very often I am tired for several days afterwards.

My lovely hosts Robyn and Alan had 5 magnificent Alpaccas and for several days I was greatly entertained by Lance - grey, Beethoven - white, Barney- brown, Calleo - black and Collingwood - black and white.

They are very elegant animals in many ways and stand in a rather statuesque position gazing in to the middle distance and I often wondered what they might be thinking or dreaming about.

Lance was such a darling!

Early morning - a cockatoo came to settle in the Lilac bush

Having a cup of tea on the deck at the end of a lovely day

and the sun settling beneath the hill

The classes were great fun and the students were wonderful - working hard for 3 days to create more beautiful felt.Here are some of the results - aren't they stunning!

Setting in beautiful beaded lace

Judy having fun with prefelts. Those not pictured were a little incomplete so with any luck I can convince those ladies to send along a photo before too long.

A new scarf I finished last week with many strips of silk felted in

I don't think I could ever get tired of colour

Our darling cat Nelly just purring in the corner of the studio this evening. So pleased just to sit on this old green cushion. How very simple life is for the completely worshiped felines of this world.

Hoping you are having fun whatever it may be.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Off to Canberra!

Dear Friends,

Off to Canberra tomorrow to do some classes for the Canberra Feltmakers.

I am certain the students will come up with sensational work which I hope to share next week.

We will be making dolls on Friday and then a 2 day class of nuno felting techniques.

Hope everyone is having a wonderul week,

Chat soon




Thursday, October 6, 2011

A little of this and that.......................

Dear Friends
Well a bit of a mixed bag this week. Here is a new piece of felt I have been stiching the life out of or into! I find the searching through the layers of fibre and fleece for shapes and lines a good challenge. And often when you least expect it, you are able to draw things to light making them clear.

I suppose like any artwork it is the job of the artist to give the viewer a new outlook, provide them with the ability to really "see" articulating elements through colours and shapes.

I rarely use yellow as my base colour but I do strive to remain open minded about colour choices. This time I decided to actually put it to the test and have discovered that a bit more yellow is no bad thing!

Here are the remainder of the Fairytale wall hangings already in the library at school. This is the Princess and the Pea in one corner.

Each layer represents one Grade 5 student and their excellent efforts at hand stitching.

On the opposite wall is the gorgeous tower of Rapunzel. I just love this one!

I have also been trying my hand at hand built clay sculpture again. This is a bird that looks more like a Dalek, but who cares!!

Hoping your week is panning out really well

Much Love
