
Monday, October 31, 2011

Bursting Spring.........................

Dear Friends,
I am getting ready to paint more canvas and I generally do a test on paper just to be certain I am heading in the right direction.
So this is the question: Do you think these shapes above look like feathers or leaves?
If you wouldn't mind disregarding the colour and consider the shapes only.
I would be so interested to hear what you think.

We have had some lovely golden days this spring dotted in amongst the violent wind and heavy rain. These days are so lovely and Nelly just adores them. Here she is on the front verandah soaking up some rays.

I just love this position - she looks so 2D like an Egyptian relief. Don't you just love how she keeps her paws warm and everything else is in the shade!

Virginia creeper over the front half of the house - every year mum raves about it and dad threatens to pull it all out. He is quite convinced damage is being done but it truly does keep this front room much cooler.

I think the path is soon going to disappear!

These little carnations smell just gorgeous, I so wish you could smell the fragrance too! Just close your eyes and concentrate really hard!!!! See what I mean?

Well have a wonderful week

Every best wish





  1. E-
    In my mind, and at first glance, I would say- leaves> But if they were a tad more slender and longer they would read as feathers. Does this help at all??? I think that they could be either depending on what is going on around them- what context you place them in!! How is that For wishy washy????
    I just love how our pets place themselves in their comfort spot! my little dog is following the sun daily now as we get further and further towards our winter!!!
    The smell of those clove pinks just says spring to me- they were a favorite in my Grandmothers fabulous garden- thank you for that picture!!! Paint on my friend!!!

  2. Instantly they looked like leaves, but in a few seconds they looked more like feathers, so I can see your dilema...lengthening them would make them more your glass room, that is a lot of tiny window

  3. Definitely leaves to me, did you want leaves or feathers, i think its gorgeous anyway:)

  4. Hi Elizabeth, To me they shout Leaves! Although your dad is quite right about damage to the walls the Virginia creeper is beautiful, say hello to your mum from me. Jenny in North Wales.

    PS I must get back to blogging!

  5. Hi,

    Leaves for sure....have a wonderful day!
