
Monday, November 7, 2011

A sneak preview!

Dear Friends,
As you may recall in the last post I was attempting to get a certain effect. Well the effect was for feathers. I have taken on board all your advice and this is the result which I am much happier about.

A bit of canvas...........

A bit of paint...................

and you really can create anything you like!

Well you can give it a red hot go anyway!! More soon when I get it all assembled - so stay tuned!

Felting away this week it occurred to me that you really can do a lot with a little.
The blue background is the same for each of these studies whilst the shaded fleece on the top is from a single skein as well. From straight to curvy from circles to leaves - wool is just the best, no matter how you lay it out.

Well off to bed

Hoping your week is just splendid





  1. Oh, I could'nt agree more!! Wool is everything!:) hugzz...peebee

  2. I am so excited about this project! i can't wait to see more!! your feathers are fabulous and i think the feather floating by your window in the above post is a sure sign that you are definitely doing what you are supposed to be doing!!! Love that!!! Big Hugs!!
