
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last post for 2011!

Dear Friends
My last post for 2011 and a little to catch up on. We went for a great walk earlier in the week - somehow I always feel the need to take more photos of wild flowers and bark and little things by the walkway.

No clue what this gorgeous bush was. The changing shades on the berries were just lovely.

Just a beautiful day

Here at the top of Mt Macedon Mum taking a breather.

Summer has taken hold here with the colours in the landscape becoming more golden

About 5 minutes before we got back to the car we were lucky enough to see an echidna and he was just gorgeous! Beetling around we lots of purpose. His eyes were so tiny I think he thought we were a couple of logs.

Just a few little bits of Christmas that we are still enjoying. Decorations seem to grow each year and my sister and I spend days upon days arranging it all again!

Elvis turned out to be the perfect size on the silvery twinkly tree. We bought him in Chicago at Macy's and he is just the perfect fairy on the tree. Probably the white suit.

I don't buy many glass ornaments for very obvious reasons but this Santa was just lovely.

Isn't it amazing when the table is so beautifully set and then within an hour of the Christmas meal everything looks as if a 10 three year olds have been left in charge.

This is a hand made nativity that Mum made at least 20 years ago and goes into its own little suitcase for the rest of the year.

I think we have too many Christmas candles as it is taking nearly 15 minutes to light them all!
But gee I love them!

Don't you love the same shades appearing in fruit and flowers? That particular shade of pink I have found quite inspiring lately.

Here is the most recent felt with this shade of pink.

Well dear friends thankyou for tuning in this year and for taking the time to comment. I love reading your comments and look forward to chatting again in 2012.

So Happy New Year wishing you all a creative 2012

Lots of Love


  1. i think the bush is Guelder rose the berries are a lovely colour and then the leaves change to some beautiful shades too. Love your felt so colourful and cheerful!!

  2. Thanks Pixiemoss,
    I will now hunt for one it was just so lovely!
    Every best wish
