
Friday, December 2, 2011

Loads of fun!

Dear Friends
Thankyou for the excellent advice regarding the spam issues in the last post. I was a bit of a nitwit not to realize that blogger would have a solution. Righto moving along....................
This group of excellent ladies were in class with me about 2 weeks ago - some beginners some intermediate but all having a super time! Here are some of the results and I think you will agree they all worked very hard and should all be so proud.

A busy time - I kept losing things in boxes and tubs which did slow us down from time to time - it is often the way in class when I am talking non stop that I put something down and then cannot remember where it is. Either on the students tables or on mine!

Naturally the layout is often quite different to the finished result as colours sink and merge into one another and secondary shades evolve.

Only a couple of classes left now before the end of the year which always makes me a little sad somehow! Still January is open for bookings and it would appear that felters are not going to rest for too long!

Cheers for now I am off to put up more decorations in the studio - will post some pics soon
Hoping everyone is finding a little something to decorate their work area or studio at this festive time - don't forget it needs to mark the season in some way as well!


  1. Oh there all beautifully bright and colorful :)

  2. Beautiful and simply amazing work/play! Well done!

  3. You'll be pleased to know Elizabeth that I've decorated my studio now, after our play day on Friday. It makes entering it even more enjoyable. Thanks for a great day.

  4. They made beautiful felt!! Thanx for sharing. hugz...peebee

  5. Amazing how vivid the colors are and such well defined shapes...(mine always tend to blend to much ) .Wish I lived close enough to take a class .

  6. The felt is gorgeous! The colours are so tropical and luscious. So pleased you've managed to get rid of the spam comments!

  7. good day. Photos are adorable! Waiting for new ones!
