
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Woven fleece and trying to be patient!

Dear Friends,
Hoping everyone is having a lovely Easter break. For many years I have been weaving fleece and all sorts of bits to felt. Here are a few samples that I have been working on over recent months.

Although it wasn't planned I found my collection of vintage green buttons matched really well. Perfect!

I just love the way some projects are no trouble at all - no struggle, no forcing to find that extra bit to use. On other occasions the magic is held up somewhere and it takes a bit longer.

For this very reason I have at least 10 different pieces of work on the go at varying stages of construction. Is this a bit mad?

Yesterday was a finishing day where 3 different pieces were completed. Thrilled I was, thrilled!

Which begs the question - Why not follow through sooner? The feeling of finalising a piece of work is very uplifting. But as I learnt many years ago - you cannot force it - pity I am so impatient. Those times were I did push to finish something, I either wrecked it or was dissatisfied with the result.

Trying to be patient,



PS Our dear little kitten ( not so little anymore) is now climbing trees and delighted that Autumn is bringing so many dancing leaf "friends"!


  1. What a delightful piece!!! I love it and the buttons are perfect!!! Patience is one of the hardest things to master!!!! Bon Chance!!

  2. the combination of weaving and felting is very exciting. I love what it does to the lines. Your colours are so beautiful.

  3. Pics are great! I watched them with great delight, thank you. I watched them all day long and I am bewitched by their beauty. Waiting for new photos of your authorship!
