
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas is Upon Us!

Dear Friends,
Well December has rushed on by and tomorrow is Christmas Day - can hardly believe it.
I have been busy renovating sections of the studio. New draws from IKEA I am in LOVE with - I got a glazier to cut me come glass to create a fresh finish to them - making them super easy to keep clean as well.

Fiddling around with what will go in them has taken up a lot of play time in the studio!

Tall CD cabinets cast off from my sister now hold all my paints organised into colour - BLISS! This has freed the table up considerably.

I really need to do other things to the studio but with the joy of Christmas approaching cooking and decorations have taken priority. SO mess galore in the kitchen has resulted in way too many yummy things.

Testing different lollies to set into shortbread was my technical research to our Christmas fare. Boiled lollies simply don't work - but jubes do! These little star ones held onto their shape and went shiny! Perfect!
AND YES they tasted quite lovely.

We ALWAYS have these balls that are crushed biscuits, sweet and condensed milk (mmm....) and dark cocoa. Covered in coconut. So easy to eat - sadly!

OH yes here are the lollies before and after for the shortbread jewels.

I decided to put my tree up on the ceiling in the studio - it used to be in a corner and tended to fall over.
Up on the ceiling it can hold many decorations! FAB!

Along the work tables are the avenue of Santas! Can a girl have too many Santas?

In our lounge room we have candles on every night in the Christmas period.  It is a special time and I am always glad we make the effort to add all the little touches that live in a cupboard for the rest of the year.

The tree is 8 ft tall and the angel just gets in before scraping the tips of her wings on the ceiling!

Well off to the land of nod until the day begins

Much love to everyone who has written in and followed my blog - I so love hearing from you all
Have a splendid holiday season however you celebrate it



  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family x

  2. Ha ! Love your bright Christmas decorations and all the yummy stuff ! Merry Christmas and another brightly coloured New Year

  3. Your studio looks even more magical than ever! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas.
    See you in the new year.

  4. The studio looks great, merry Christmas xxx

  5. I hope you are having a Happy day, your Santas look wonderful, as do all the other decorations.

  6. It all looks so beautiful Elizabeth!!!! I love all of your decorations...I too have a collection of Santas (each year in the after Christmas sales I buy myself a new Santa for the collection). This year hubby bought me a new Jim Shore love him!
    The studio looks wonderful and those Ikea drawers are perfect for keeping things tidy. It all looks wonderful.
    I hope you and your family had a beautiful Christmas day and I wish you all Happiness and Good Health for the New Year.

    Catch up in 2013.

    Jacky xox

  7. Elizabeth, your studio made me gasp!LOVE those Santas.So much colour.Those shelves etc make for great storage, and look darn good too!
    Happy 2013.

  8. Your organised studio looks fab and your room with your tree looks so cosy!

  9. Your studio organisation looks great and your room looks so cosy with that beautiful tree! Happy New Creative Year.
