
Saturday, March 30, 2013


Dear Friends
Well I can hardly believe it. I have joined Facebook - staggering really because I swore I would not sign up to another thing!
If anyone would like to visit and LIKE me as they say - please feel free! You can do that here

In the normal world I am preparing for a new residency at a primary school, this time in paper mache! There will be a set of figures based on my samples below. These will measure nearly a metre in length and be located in the entry way of a performing arts hall. Themes of music and drama will be the focus of each figure.

I start in about a month and am just thrilled to be working in another medium at a school. After 12 years of
doing felt it will be lovely to challenge myself on this scale in another medium.

SO wish me luck!

Hope you are all spending a lovely Easter break with loved ones



  1. The very best of luck - hope you enjoy your new challenge!

  2. Thanks Lyn!
    There is a lot to learn - but the response has been just wonderful so far!

  3. I'm glad you joined facebook... that's where I came across your work. It's great
