
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fnished at last!

Dear Friends,
At long last a piece of work that I have been doing with a school is complete and I couldn't be happier!
It climbs the stairs from reception to the first landing on its' way to the art room and library.

It has taken a long time to complete and I felt quite shivery with the thrill of seeing it upright in position.
Naturally I have been working on it on the flat surface of the studio tables - no wonder artists paint on an easel - the perspective is entirely different.

Of course we had to add some sheep  - a little person in Grade 3 said " We have to have sheep Miss Armstrong out art is made out of wool!"

Is that entirely groovy or what?

Hope your week is going really well

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ready to stitch

Hi everyone!

These are all the samples I did a few weeks ago, trimmed and ready to be put into a cohesive piece.

I am now ready to stitch - yippee! This sends me to a really quiet, happy zone. 
I have a feeling this one might take over for a while. The purple thread is a cotton crochet yarn that I will use to connect them all together. You could use DMC or Anchor perle thread for the same effect.

This is a great way to make use of leftover felt or sample pieces that are just lounging around doing nothing.

Have a happy week


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thankyou so much for your feedback

Hi gorgeous folk!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

I just wanted to stop and thank everyone who has ordered my book. The comments and emails about the content, layout and photos have been very encouraging. So much so that I have already started another book that will cover a whole range of other techniques. I do not intend to make it as long, so it shouldn't take me forever to do! I am excited about writing all over again!

If you would like a copy before Christmas and you are not in Australia, please get your order in in the next week or so. Christmas postal services being what they are!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

New Classes!

Dear Friends,
I have just released my first email newsletter! This one is about the classes over the next 3 months.
Thought I would post it here as well.

Every best wish
Hope everyone is creating something fun!



Felt Workshops with Elizabeth Armstrong

Beginners Felt

Getting started on felting is such a wonderful journey!  During this class you will get confident handling wool and discovering all the gorgeous fabrics and fibres that you can add to create a beautiful textured panel. We will also cover making balls and cords.

Felt Journals

Create a beautiful panel to cover a journal, workbook or perhaps something to house a travel sketchbook with all your drawing needs.  We will add some gorgeous appliquéd felt, as well as exploring some lovely embroidery stitches and patterns to enhance your work.

Sensational Seamless Felt!

Seamless felt looks so mystifying – unlock the secrets of its creation! It's the perfect technique if you would like to create a bag or figure or vessel. Suitable for the student who knows the basics of felt making.

Felt and Papier Maché dolls!

I just adore papier maché - the variety of items that you might create is endless. These mixed media dolls will incorporate such skills as felt construction, face painting, assembling a figure and much more!

Embroidering Felt

There are so many amazing ways to embroider felt! This class will cover both hand and machine work. A perfect opportunity to study ways in which to bring a dull felt to life with stunning detail.
Suitable for the beginner. 

Felt Folio 1

Felt Folio is a 5 week class where you create a variety of samples each lesson. Different techniques are studied including lace felt, nuno, woven felt, prefelts and more!
A great taster class; we mount all the samples in week 5 creating a wonderful resource for future use. Beginners most welcome!

Collage Felt Birds!

Little collage felt birds cover a range of techniques that will enable you create some stunning felted friends.  You can make a whole flock for Christmas or any other holiday. Weighing in at no more than a few feathers, they make the ideal gift to post to friends and family!

Canvas and Felt

Canvas and felt work so well together. These wonderful collage techniques can be used for a variety of projects including wall hangings, book covers, bags or three dimensional artworks.
We spend a week creating some gorgeous painted fabrics (perfect for the non painter too!), a week of felting and then we have a week putting it all together!  Such fun!  

Felt Jewellery

Felt is perhaps not the first medium that springs to mind when you are thinking about jewellery. Think again! - it is beautiful to wear, with glowing jewel-like colours, fascinating shapes and fine details that may be added with beads or stitching. 

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my first email newsletter! Here you will find details of classes that I will be running over the next few months. If any dates are added I will be sure to let you know. If there is a specific technique that you would like to learn, just email me at

Thankyou so much to all the gorgeous people who stopped by my booth at the recent Stitches and Craft Show in Melbourne! I had such a wonderful four days and can hardly believe I didn't lose my voice! It just proves that drinking gallons of tea is most beneficial.

If anything is unclear about the classes or you would like more information, please don't hesitate to email or phone me.  If you don't require a class but you would like to get some more fleece for felting, just contact me and we can make a time for you to come and visit
me in the studio.

Every best wish and happy creating!



November 2013

Beginners Felt:      Wednesday 13th       10.00 - 1.00 pm      Booked out
Beginners Felt:      Friday         22nd       10.00 - 1.00 pm      Booked out
Seamless Felt:       Wednesday 20th       10.00 - 1.00 pm      Booked out
Collage Birds:        Wednesday  27th       10.00 - 1.00 pm     Booked out  

December 2013

Collage Birds:   2 sessions     Wednesday  4th & 11th    1.00 - 4.00 pm   Booked out    
Beginners Felt:      Friday  6th                 10.00 - 1.00 pm      Booked out
Felt Jewellery:        Friday  13th               10.00 - 1.00 pm      1 place left  
Felt Journals:         Saturday  14th            1.00 - 4.00  pm      1 place left
Seamless Felt:       Wednesday  18th       1.00 - 4.00 pm       Booked out                 

January 2014

Felt & Papier Maché Dolls:     3 sessions,  Wednesday  15th   22nd  &  29th
                                               1.00 - 4.00 pm      3 places left
Beginners Felt:      Friday 17th          10.00 - 1.00 pm      

Felt Folio 1:    5 sessions, Saturday  11th  18th  25th  January  1st  &  8th  February
                                                           10.00 - 1.00 pm  Booked out

Please note:

I only take 4 students per class.  If you would like to secure a place in a class just phone or email. Please contact me if you would like more information. 

If there is a vacancy in any class I will do my best to accommodate you.  If you would like to come with friends, I will locate another day that you can come together.
If you have a large group, I am happy to travel to you. Simply phone to discuss.

I look forward to seeing you in the studio,

Elizabeth xx

For your woolly needs :

Find me on facebook for a daily update!
                                    Copyright © 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Stitches and Craft Show!

Dear Friends,
In the last week or so I have had some really exciting news! I am to be the guest artist at the Stitches and Craft Show in Melbourne - held at the Caulfield Racecourse. I am really thrilled and quite honoured!

I will have my book for sale as well as all the samples on display and some felt that doesn't appear in the book as well!  A review of the book can be found   here -  along with other information connected to the show.

I will be demonstrating throughout the 4 days showcasing different techniques.

Dates are:  24th - 27th of October  10 - 4.30pm

I hope you can drop by to say hello!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

A page from within

Hi Everyone,
I thought you may like to see a page from inside my new book Felt Happy!
Available now at

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend

Lots of Love

Thursday, September 12, 2013

At long long last! My new book - Felt Happy!

Dear Friends
At long, long last my book has arrived. It really has taken longer than it should, but I am so very delighted with the result. It is glossy and gorgeous and I must say I am proud of it.

I have tried to create a book that I would want to buy myself. Chock full of useful information as well as
full page photos to see finer details. There are loads of step by step instructions with photos of each step that are easy to follow and replicate. It is ideal for the beginner or more experienced felter.

At 212 pages long it is a reasonably thick book. In size it measure 21 x 21cm (about 8" square) and is easy to slip in a bag to carry with you.

As a self publisher, I have spent many months creating the work, photographing it and learning the ins and outs of Photoshop to prepare all the files for printing. This in itself has been an uphill climb. However I have learned a great deal and have decided to march on with another volume immediately! Felt making  is such a huge topic to discuss there was only so much I could include in one book!

There are many of you who have waited a long time for me to get this volume published.
I really thankyou for all of your encouragement, sending me emails and notes to see how things were going, and being prepared to wait until the process was done.

SO that's it - it's done - finished at last. Phew!              

If you are interested in purchasing a copy it is available now on Etsy!

Every best wish

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A burst of Colour!

Hi Everyone
Feeling like a burst of colour on this grey overcast day.

These were created with multicoloured carded batts and a few extra stripes thrown in.

Hope your day is wonderful!

PS New giveaway over at my facebok page  - just follow the link in the sidebar and GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Paper, paste and paint!

Dear Friends,

Here are some finished paper mache figures  I have finished at a recent residency job. I am really happy with them.(Click to see them larger!)

After several lessons painting and printing our own papers we collaged over 150 birds (yes 150 birds!!!) that we had paper mached the week before. One per student and these 4 figures. They are now installed in a performing arts hall and I am so pleased. They represent performers ready to take the stage. Each measure just over a metre.

Hope everyone is well and happy and getting time to create


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Working as an artist in residence

Hi everyone!

Been very busy doing school work at two schools. One paper mache and the other felt. I think I have seen about 700 children over the last 2 months!  Loads of fun though!

As an artist if you ever get a chance to do a residency then say YES PLEASE! You will learn so much - looking at your own medium in a different way, utilising colour and shape effectively and it really is packed with loads of laughs and very special moments.

Like the boy who was thrilled to have made new paint colours and raced up the art room to show me and the grade fours who made felt look like tree trunks and told everyone and anyone who would listen!

I passed a little person showing their grandma a large wall hanging we had done the previous year and naturally my ears were flapping as I walked past: "This is my best work" she told her granny. Apparently she had achieved this single handedly! - Great stuff!

If anyone would like any further advice about doing a residency please email me privately.

Hope everyone is well and doing something gorgeous and creative this week - or at least you are planning to do so!


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hi Lovely Friends!

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Just wanted to let you know about my new monster article in the latest FELT magazine. This issue is just lovely with lots of interesting articles and heaps of great info.

I provide instructions and heaps of step by step photos for making your own. If you do make a monster I
would love to see what you come up with!

Every best wish

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gorgeous New Buttons!

Hi Everyone!
Well the exhibition opening was just lovely  - full gallery and a beautiful Autumn day - even the cows in the fields nearby looked as if they had brushed their coats for us! 
Thankyou to everyone who came - I was just thrilled by all the surprise visits!

What I really wanted to tell you about are these magnificent buttons that arrived this week! They are so beautifully made by a lady in the Scottish Highlands. I can think of dozens of uses and I can't wait to put them into a project. Maybe I will knit a new cardy just so I can put these buttons on it! Or make a brooch or add them to a journal or stitch them to a felt wrap or .......

They are made of resin and are finished so well. A very professional service for a lovely product!

Contact Frances here at : Buttons McAnnoraks or find her on Facebook here

Hope everyone is finding time to play with buttons or paint or thread or fleece or yarn or whatever!

Lots of Love

Monday, April 29, 2013

A little clay...

Hi everyone,
Well lots of final little jobs before our exhibition opening this coming weekend. Amazing how those last things take so LONG to do! Here are a few new little clay birds. I like mucking around with clay - it is very calming and I love making a mess - well let's put it this way - I'm very good at making a mess - in fact I excel at making mess! 

I hope you are all having a fabby fab week and that there are some local folk who have time to drop into the

Chat soon

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An exhibition!

Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to let yo know about an exhibition I am participating in with 4 other gorgeous artists! 
This will be held in Warragul in Victoria and for those of you who can come we have our opening on the 4th of May at 2.00pm. With nibbles and drinks! 

Hope to see you at: The Lillico Glass Studio, 243 Lillico Rd Warragul

Well the cooler weather has arrived in Melbourne and everything I love arrives as well:
winter coats, knitwear, scarves, thoughtful golden days and cold nights, big blankets on the bed, rain, planting all the bulbs, raking leaves, open fires, crumpets, soup, casseroles, gum boots, the light slanting a bit differently,
purple evenings...

Just love this time of the year!

I hope everyone is enjoying their season as well be it Autumn or Spring!

Lots of Love

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Dear Friends
Well I can hardly believe it. I have joined Facebook - staggering really because I swore I would not sign up to another thing!
If anyone would like to visit and LIKE me as they say - please feel free! You can do that here

In the normal world I am preparing for a new residency at a primary school, this time in paper mache! There will be a set of figures based on my samples below. These will measure nearly a metre in length and be located in the entry way of a performing arts hall. Themes of music and drama will be the focus of each figure.

I start in about a month and am just thrilled to be working in another medium at a school. After 12 years of
doing felt it will be lovely to challenge myself on this scale in another medium.

SO wish me luck!

Hope you are all spending a lovely Easter break with loved ones


Monday, March 25, 2013

Summer and New Class!

Hi Everyone,
I can hardly believe how long it has been since I have posted! Sorry!

Well apart from teaching I am  WAIT FOR IT.................WAIT FOR IT..........................
just about finished my book! Yep nearly there! About one chapter and some tidying up to be done and hopefully will be at the printers before too long. A big thankyou to everyone who has shown such keen interest.

New doll available on Etsy  - "Summer" is available now.

FELT FOLIO 2    Starting 6th April for 5 weeks 10.00 - 1.00pm

Classes have been going well and Felt Folio is drawing to an end. For anyone who is interested I will be continuing with Felt Folio 2. This class is wonderful if you have already done a bit of felting and want to continue with more 3D felting elements.

Cost $350.00 which includes everything. All materials and use of all tools.

Well I hope everyones creative pursuits are going well
Lots of Love

Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Classes Starting! MARCH AND APRIL

Dear Friends
Well new classes are about to start and I look forward to seeing many of you in the studio again!
For those of you who have not been to my studio before, I only take 4 students at a time.
If you would like to do one of these classes on a different day and have enough to make up a class - just let me know!

Papier mache and Felt Figures

This is a great class if you want to pick up several skills all at once! If you are a fan of mixed media and would like to create a unique character that employs paper mache, felt, face painting and construction skills
then this might just be for you!

TIME: 10 -2.00pm   3 weeks
DATES: Wednesday 3rd 10th and 17th April

Collage Felt

An old favourite I am offering this class again. Perfect for the -  Beginner to Intermediate

Never felted? Well come along to a 3 hour class and let me show you how it's done! Here you will discover
what fibres will felt and how to apply yarns, fabrics, bits of knitting and more into a Collage felt.

TIME: 10 - 1.00pm
DATES: March 6th   2 vacancies         or          April 24th  

Felted Feathered Friends

Birds are such fun to make  -  in felt that you have created yourself they are just gorgeous! This is a 2 week
class where we create our magical felt in Week 1 and follow up the next  week with designing patterns,
construction and embroidery.

TIME: 10 - 1.00 pm
DATES: March 20/27    FULL!
         or  April 13/20        

Felt Folio 1

For those of you who would like a course in many different felting techniques Felt Folio 1 is just the ticket!
This 5 week course encompasses many different felting methods that can be applied to wearable art, functional and decorative items. Each week a new technique will be taught and we create 3 different sample sized pieces. By the end of week 5 each student receives a folder in which to mount each sample so that
a permanent library of information is created.
I have taught this class many times and the exquisite samples that students create often leave me speechless!

All materials are included in the cost.

DATES:  Saturday mornings: March 2/9/16/23/30    - 5 weeks   3 vacancies

Just drop me a line for more information on any of the classes and any queries you may have,

Hope to see you in class!

Best wishes

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Settling in to the New Year!

Dear Friends
Well Happy New Year! I thought I would share some thoughts from my New Year's Day. Every year our family packs up leftover Christmas fare and we go into the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne.
Well they are just splendid with many very old trees and sweeping lawns and lots of places to have a picnic and just chill out. Open places as well as hidey places.

I often take in painting stuff or stitching and we are very weighed down with chairs and blankets and the odd cushion and the thermos and tea bags and get the idea. Imagine 5 weighed down donkeys and you just about have it.

Well we settled and being a gorgeous day there were many people around. I normally am busy and don't really notice what others may be doing but this day there was a little girl and her brother very hard at work.
You couldn't help but notice them. I think they may have been tourists - I could not make out their language but northern Europe I think.

These little children were so keen on building this little fairy house that they took their time and were very content to work until it was right. I got this shot in quickly which seemed unfair but she was such a joy to watch. Her final touch was to sprinkle grass on top of the creation.

Her family soon set off and I had an opportunity to see her handiwork. 

Here is a better shot of the architects work.

SO instead of keeping busy with a pile of jobs I had brought in to work on - I just decided to sit and listen to the day.  Now the Boxing day picnic is a tradition for many people so groups were a little closer together than normal. These are some of the funny snippets I observed during that afternoon.

As we peered for our little plot to sit on, I heard 2 men earnestly discussing fishing - well actually one man monologuing about his ethos on flys etc 

To our left a lady spoke loudly about the dynamics between teachers and parents

A group behind us were all from the UK and madly debating West Ham football team and whilst one of them looked like Ned Kelly - he lectured the rest about electronics

There was an Indian gentleman who wandered around the lawn, then sat and drank and then was off again - dressed in white and pink gingham. He whistled the whole time. 

A lady read her magazine intently ignoring her family and she had her hair wrapped up in the most gorgeous silk scarf with fab gypsy ear rings - I am always hoping my face will change and I look great with my hair/head wrapped in a silk scarf - never mind. 

A little boy kept marching up and down the hill like a steadfast tin soldier  - hoping his Mum would do the same. 

Three young men perhaps in their early 20's playing hide and seek!!! Just gorgeous!

I am sorry if this sounds a little voyeuristic - I truly wasn't spying on anyone - just observing. I was reminded how very wonderful the world is - when everyone can sit on the grass or run around and just be. The strains and worries of everyday life quite banished - mind you the steadfast tin soldier marching up the hill seemed a very sunny little boy for whom strain was a long way away. 

These magnificent cactus flowers had opened - I don't recall ever having seen them although they are quite old. Some things do take a little longer to come to fruition I guess.

Towards 7.00 pm we trundled home - thermos now empty and nibbles all gone and shadows stretching longer.

Hoping everyone is finding time to just sit and listen to the world around them this week

Happiest of everything to you this coming year