
Monday, March 31, 2014


Hi Everyone
I am really sorry for my slow posts - now that Facebook is in my face - so to speak - I update that more regularly. 
I have been madly teaching at another school and will post some lovely pics soon!

A new little venture for me are these postcard available now. A set of 6 with an extra thrown in for good luck. 

Anyway hope everyone is aiming for some creative splendour this week!

Lots of Love


  1. Received your book in the post last week, thanks so much for posting it out so fast. Its wonderful and very enticing. Your colours are so happy and uplifting. A joy to read.

    1. I am so pleased you are enjoying the book! It was important to me for it to be a good read as well - hopefully you can "hear" it is me - a person - and not a robot!
      Happy creating Love Ex xx

  2. Hi Elizabeth, I bought your colorful recently and I am very impressed by your artistic projects. I have done some felting previously, I am very interested in doing a decorative/embroidery felt class. Can you advise me, when you will be hosting the next one?

    Many thanks,

  3. just found this, beautiful work.XXX
