
Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy New 2018!

Hi Everyone!

Well that's it for 2017! It has been such a busy year and I haven't announced any new classes in the studio for quite a while. This past year I have been flat out with artist-in-residency works at several schools.
They are a joy to do but can take months to achieve. The opportunity to work on a large scale is rare so I must confess I do jump at every opportunity!
This one here was designed by prep and grade 1, and of course has a gingerbread man walking a dog.

To start 2018 with a bang I will be offering some new classes as well as a few of the golden oldies.
I will be teaching a Watercolour painting class for something completely different, as well as a brand new class: "Working in a Series".

Over the last year I have also taken up working with clay - this has given me many hours of joy and I really have surprised myself at how much fun it is! I had dreamed for many years about doing it and suddenly decided - THAT'S IT, no more thinking about "one day"!  Here are a few photos of my efforts so far.

If you would like to make a booking for a class just drop me an email
Hoping to see you in the studio in the New Year!

Until then
Every best wish
Elizabeth xx

Watercolour - NEW!

Have you often admired artwork created by the charming effects of watercolour painting? The challenges in manipulating the flow of glorious shades and hues is definitely worth the effort.
In this 5 week course you will be introduced to a variety of different papers, brushes, paints and inks. Through a range of different techniques, you will be able to create your own images with confidence. Perfect for the beginner or more experienced painter who would like to refresh their skills or explore some new ones!
In week 5 we will mount all exercises and studies and stitch them into your own sample book  - the perfect resource!

Dates: FEBRUARY 2, 9, 16, 23 and MARCH 2
            APRIL 4, 11, 18, 25 and MAY 2
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Price: $360.00 - includes palette, set of watercolour brushes, paper and use of some paints

Please bring notebook, pen and apron 

Working in a Series - NEW!

In this 4 week class we will look at how to develop an idea into a series of small felted textiles.
Topics include choosing a subject, sketching plans, deciding on cohesive elements that will create a story, adding detail with stitch and appliqué using hand and machine techniques.
You can focus on your favourite theme or try something entirely new!
This is a great class for incorporating found treasures and many items you are saving for a rainy day such as buttons, lace, beads, tiny pieces of fabric...

Dates: MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Price: $250.00
Please bring a couple of old towels, plastic bag, sketchbook, pencil and apron 


Felt Folio

Are you at the very beginning of your Felt making adventure?
Then perhaps this is the class for you!
Each week you will discover a new method of felting and create four or five samples of each: lacefelt, nunofelt, prefelts and more!
During week 5 you will receive a folder and we will mount all of your gorgeous samples, thus creating a superb resource for future experiments and projects.
Perfect for the complete beginner.

Dates: MARCH 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
PRICE: $370.00 - includes all materials
Please bring a couple of old towels, plastic bag, notebook, pen and apron 


Once A Month Class

For many years now I have offered groups the opportunity to come to my studio and felt once a month. We discuss what aspects of felt making they would like to pursue; at other times we explore textile techniques to incorporate which might include hand or machine embroidery, silk paper and hand painting fabrics.
If you would like to form your own once a month group I require a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 5. Or if you'd like to put your name down to join a group, just let me know!
Feel free to email for more details.

Nuno Felting

The “Nuno” method of felt making focuses on the application of sheer fabrics combined with wool. Amongst the most elegant of all felts, it is perfect for garments with its characteristic drape.
2 week class will produce six to eight different samples. A great way to discover the many methods of achieving this gorgeous technique!

January 20 & 27
           February 21 & 28
           April 7 & 14
Time: 10.00am -1.00pm
Price: $150.00 - all materials included

Please bring a couple of old towels, plastic bag, notebook, pen and apron 

Beginner's Collage Felt

The very beginning! The start, the excitement of a new road to travel down (or up!)
This 3 hour class will show you how to contain the glory of merino wool with fibres and fabrics. You will create a large panel suitable for a wall hanging, cushion covers, or anything you choose.

Dates: January 19
           February 14
           March 9
           April 10
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Price: $60 + materials approx. $30

Please bring a couple of old towels, plastic bag, notebook, pen and apron 


The 3D quality of the vessel or vase is astounding when you consider it has been created with fleece! This 3 hour workshop will show you how to create your own vessel or bag.
Seamless felt is an intermediate method of felting, so experience with basic beginner felting would be recommended.

Dates: February 17
            March 14
            April 6
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Price: $60 + materials  approx. $30


Please bring a couple of old towels, plastic bag, notebook, pen and apron  

All classes require a deposit of $25.00
If I need to cancel a class a full refund will be issued.

If you need to cancel your place in a class or workshop a refund will be issued up until 48 hrs prior to the first date.

Payment can be made by Paypal or through Direct Deposit.
Just drop me an email or text me at
0468 710 923
Copyright © 2018 Elizabeth Armstrong, All rights reserved.

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  1. I do wish I lived closer, all your classes sound wonderful.
