
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Having too much fun -

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I have started doing paper mache again. I can't tell you how much fun I am having. Here are a few more heads waiting for a body and limbs etc.
Please don't laugh, but I have 23 heads made, primed and ready for a face! I am not going into large scale production just having too much fun!

I often wonder as I live this creative life - surely it can't get any better than this. I am so very lucky to have a place to work, a place to dream. And on top of all that, students to perpetuate this lifestyle!

I hope that whatever you are doing this week, it is giving you much pleasure.



  1. How can one ever have to much fun?LOL
    These are soooo cool!! Love them!
    Wish I was living over there and could take a class on these...
    Maybe some day....
    Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  2. So pleased you are having so much fun Elizabeth! Love the photo's of all the heads :)


  3. I love your doll work! How many do you have done, 23! Wow, I'm totally impressed. Can't wait to see the felt clothes they'll get to wear!

  4. and life doens't get any better than that, does it? you are blessed and then doubly blessed because you know it!

    these paper mache heads are precious. my favorite is the back left one with the blue hat. can't wait to see the bodies, etc.!
