
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Beneath The Sea

Stitching in a mad frenzy does produce results - the trouble I find, is knowing where to stop. I had quite a few ideas for adding other bits but had to draw the line somewhere. The end work is a pair of felted dolls entitled "Beneath The Sea".

Have had a very strange week - but fortunately several hours work in the garden today - weeding and planning mainly, have yielded a mind that feels more calm this evening.

I have never tried meditation or retreats to relax - I find a spade in the garden and sweeping are very therapeutic! That is not to say I won't try other remedies - just never seem to find a pocket of time to do them.


  1. Elizabeth - I adore these dolls! Will you be making any of these in the future? Would love to own one. Love the shape of them and the colors are glorious.
    Glad that gardening brings you balance. It's great to get out into the fresh air isn't it?
    Hope you are having a good week.
    Dot xx

  2. The dolls are amazing. Yum.

  3. these dolls are spectacular. so charismatic and colorful. you do wonderful work!

    other than working in the art room, my therapy is browsing around with my camera or working in the flower beds. you can just lose yourself in reverie and deep (or not so deep) thoughts.

    take care!

  4. Elizabeth the new pieces are stunning!!! Hopefully I will get to see them in the flesh when I next visit your studio.

    Sounds like you had a lovely day out in the garden. The mornings have been chilly, but once the fog clears we have been having beautiful clear days.

    Jacky xox

  5. These are truly wonderful...

  6. I love these. The expressions are so alive. Heve enjoyed your blog too.
