
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Playing with wool............

New scarf made in the studio today. This is a lace scarf with assorted fabrics felted in I will probably machine stitch tomorrow.

The rumpled tan fabric is dyed cheesecloth and the rosy pink is flocked silk.

I think the story of my life is really just playing with colour - so today's episode was regrouping all my hand dyed merino. Amazing how an hour just vanished!

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend - it is starting to rain just now -perfect to listen to in bed. Goodnight!


  1. Beautiful scarf! And, I love your wall of merino - great color selection :)

  2. The hand dyed merino skeins look fantastic (should be a postcard). The most scrumptious colours!!!

    Lovely scarf. The fabric touches are really appealling.

    Jacky xox

  3. I agree with Jacky that your dyed wool skeins should be a postcard (in fact I think ALL of your art would look wonderful on postcards - want me to be your marketing manager? he heh)..
    Love the new scarf - want to reach through the screen and touch it...delicious colors.
    I love the sound of rain too.
    Look forward to catching up soon.
    Dot x

  4. Stunning! Its nice without machining but I can see how you might be tempted!

  5. Your scarf is fantastic!! Actually all your work is!
    And thank you for having me on your blog roll :)
    I'll add you to mine too!
