
Monday, August 31, 2009

Knitting and Naughty Cats!

Knitting is such a delight to do - it can be as mindless or as puzzling as you like. I tend toward the mindless and repetitive - letting the colour and textures of the yarns do all the work.

I am trying to include more golds and yellows in my pieces. This is the first attempt - of course I had to use something with lots of other shades in between!
I am looking forward to the challenge!

Thanks to everyone who has emailed with encouragement re my new kits!

Hoping everyone is well and happy

PS Our beautiful new cat Nell is up to great mischief and keeping us on our toes. She has now explored the outside - can you imagine, the first time outside ever! Will post some more pics soon.

It is now 2 hours later since I wrote the above and I simply must tell you about what has just happened.

OK picture us all calling Nell, Little Nell, Nellie......................etc for about an hour. Now we know she is inside and each of us has searched every room THOROUGHLY to no avail. Eventually we hear a plaintive cry and she sounds as if she either stuck in the piano or in a wall cavity - that far away sound.

Well after frantic yelling at her now, we finally work out where she is!
NOW WAIT FOR IT...................................our lovely new cat is caught inside one of the recliners in the living room!!!!! Yep you know the ones I mean with the lift out footrest. I shiver to think what might have happened to her when the bar reclines beneath it.

SO a warning - check where your cat is when reclining in the living room!!!!


  1. Hi Elizabeth I am now following your blog, your textile work is beautiful.. my blog is
    I admire you for working full time as an artist.
    Good luck the world needs more people like you!
    Linda x

  2. Wow that was one lucky kitty. Its amazing where they like to curl up isnt it? Sometimes amazes me the places I find one our cats Phoebe...she loves to snuggle in boxes, cupboards etc.
    Love your knitting. I have bought a little knitting nancy (as we called them when I was little) and been playing too. Your yarns are much more yummy though.
    I wore my felted scarf to my art group get together and the girls LOVED are such a talented teacher...thank you.
    Lovely post.

    Jacky xox

  3. Lovely post E! Your knitting is gorgeous and such lovely colors. So glad Miss adventurous Nellie is OK. Kitties will find the most cosy places to snooze. I know my little Essie has found some interesting places to hide in my new home. Love to you and Nellie.
    Lots of love
    Dot xx

  4. P.S I agree 100% with Jacky's comment - you are a WONDERFUL teacher!
