
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Dolls!

Howdy! Here are some new dolls which I have fluffed and ummed and aaahed about getting done for some time. I simply cannot work out what goes wrong. You see the felt has been made for ages and the embroidery and sewing up as well. Just waiting for the right faces I guess. It is so very important to get the right face - otherwise the piece is lost. A good face = a good doll!

So that is my only excuse!

At any rate at last they have left the rapidly growing pile of porjects and are DONE!

The one on the far left is for Dot who ordered her some time ago! Here she is Dot I hope you enjoy her! No names as yet. Your can find Dot's gorgeous blog here.

There is something very special about Aqua and Lime Green, don't you think?


  1. Hi E!
    How gorgeous are your new dolls? I am thrilled with the one I have ordered from you and can't wait to have her in my home. The expressions on your dolls are so full of fun. And these colors are stunning. Am off work this week with nasty bronchitis and seeing these photo's gave me a lift. Thanks for mentioning my blog too (you are a sweetie).
    Dot xx

  2. These dolls are so very beautiful, the colours, the faces, the shapes - gorgeous! I know Dotee will delight in hers.

  3. Your felted dolls are beautiful and I love your blog!


  4. Elizabeth, your dolls are divine and the lime green aqua combo is heaven!!!

  5. Thankyou everyone
    I find I am making less of everything except dolls at the moment!

    Have a wonderful week

  6. I love your dolls the look so funny

  7. lu'em,luv'em, luv'em
    hugs from joan in italy

  8. These dolls are jsut wonderful- such personality and you are so right about the faces!!!! Dot will be thrilled, of that I am sure!!! I love Aqua and Lime- I just finished a beaded zipper cuff bracelet in that color way and it is my favorite one yet. You can see it here if you want to take a peek!!

    your work is so inspiring!!
    Big hugs!

  9. Just found your blog and after flicking through the older posts was so fed up to find you were in Australia! your workshops look fantastic and I would of loved to of come to one-bit of a way from Yorkshire, England though!

  10. Love your new dolls...and the cat story!
    The little bird piece is magnificent!!! Are you ready for your hooked doll yet>?
