
Saturday, January 9, 2010

The beauty of hand stitching

Whenever I am working in the studio I always try to get a piece of work to the point where I can add some hand stitching in the evening. The loveliest thing about adding details to felt is that it feels as if you are stitching into butter. It is so forgiving and can be gathered and quilted and enhanced in so many ways.

A but like life really - a stitch here and there can make all the difference.

Don't forget to enter my draw below to be in with a chance! I will be announcing the winner tomorrow!

Happy creating dear friends,


  1. i love to see how you are adding the handwork here!!I to love having handwork for the evening- it is sucha soothing way to end the day!!!

  2. I loved your post on the RAK. I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and do a RAK giveaway very soon ...

    Have a great weekend
    Carolyn ♥

  3. Your handstitching puts mine to shame. I need to practice!!

  4. i just adore the hand stitching in these photos! i need to start a sewing project that can be done in front of the tv!!
