
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Summer is glowing!

Hi everyone!
Just wondering around the front garden today I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. I know that many of you are battling with wet and cold and snow but here in Australia we are just battling with keeping things alive!

Golden nasturtium are so beautiful

Tall Tigerlily

Creamy yellow

These lilys are so magnificent and their fragrance is reminiscent of very strong carnations. Such a shame I can't bottle it and send you all some.

Don't forget to enter my Random Act of Kindness - Surprise Draw! See Below

Hope everyone is finding time to be creative

1 comment:

  1. Your peach photo makes me yearn for summer- beautiful shot!! We are encased ins now and ice and freezing winds so glimpses of possiblities to come are always welcome!!!!! THanks so much for the glorious daydream!!
