
Sunday, January 24, 2010

I have received a Sunshine Blog award!

A big thank you to Maria at Creative Bumble Bee for nominating me for the Sunshine Awards. I am really thrilled!

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blog world.

The rules for accepting this award:

Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.

Link the nominees within your post.

Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I don't have a great deal of time for reading many blogs but I do return to these people again and again because they do make me feel uplifted and open my mind to a world of other possibilities.

Maria Dent

Mary Stanley

Teesh Moore

Ro Bruhn

Dog Daisy Chains

Sara Lechner

Gustavo Aimar

Julie King

Jane La Fazio

Carolyn Saxby

Dot Christian

Juliana Bollini

Although I don't comment too often I do receive great pleasure from all of these artists each and every week.

So thankyou!

Love Elizabeth


  1. Thank you Elizabeth. I also get great pleasure from watching your felting progress and reading your blog. (By the way, your comment linked me to a different version of your blog, not here.)

  2. Jackie
    Thanks for that! It is now sorted!

    Best wishes

  3. Thank you so much for the award Elizabeth, it's very kind of you. I love to visit your blog too! I will get around to the awards and tags very shortly ... life is just a little hectic at the moment!

    Happy weekend
    Carolyn ♥

  4. thanks so much for thinking of me, sweet elizabeth! i fear my blogging has been spotty at best lately. caring for sick parents and just life in general have been taking precedence over blogging.

  5. Thank you so much Elizabeth for this award, you provide me with much of my inspiration. I have the same passion for colour as you and get a real zing when I visit your blog.

  6. Thankyou so much for the award Elizabeth. And I agree with Ro that you provide so much inspiration. You are a color girl after my own heart!
    Dot xx
    P.S. I haven't forgotten about arranging a time to catch up with you. Life has been so busy lately that I am needing lots of space and time to recuperate. Hope we can catch up soon.

  7. No worries Dot
    Just drop me a line when you have time and feel up to it

    Lots of Love
