
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Utilising Scrap!

Dear Friends,
Hi! Today in class Deb brought along her drum carder. See Deb in "Back in class" entry Jan 17th

Now I have always promised myself a drum carder to utilize my fleece in other ways. Somehow or other it has slipped onto the back burner and the one day list.
What a star Deb is - she has left it with me all week to play with!!! I am so utterly thrilled. Easy pleased aren't I! OK The above hotch potch of disparate wool is a combination of fleeces that have been left over after various projects.

The groovy Ashford Carder and me going mad carding the scraps into a batt ready for felting.

Which proves the point, I think, that there is nothing that cannot be made beautiful. I will try and find time to felt it tomorrow.

Our lovely Nell, adopted last year and who in her 9 years had rarely been outside, is here just resting from knitting a scarf.

It really is very tiring work knitting for humans,

Regular cat naps must be strictly adhered to.

Have a lovely weekend everyone
Elizabeth - who is plotting to keep Deb's carder (shhhhh.....please don't tell her!)


  1. yummy!!!!!! yummy is such a good word for rovings.

  2. i would love if you'd bag up your scraps and sell them in your shop~! i'm a needle felt beginner and would love to have some scraps instead of buying big amounts of roving! your kitty looks very sweet!

  3. What a lovely post. Nell looks so comfy and relaxed, I love the fleece, look forward to seeing it felted too.
