
Friday, February 19, 2010

The beauty of stitch

Hi dear friends,
You know the nature of stitch is so honest and beautiful. It never fails to delight me. Like many things that are intrinsically beautiful you can never fully explain what it is that touches you about them - to me it is a hidden soul that allows you to glimpse it now and then.

Like wood that is so very much a spirit house and holds such depth of feeling.

If you look in and around your home you will find there are items that you have just loved forever. They travel with you no matter where you shift to. Sometimes when you find a new item you seem to see into it - a piece with such value because of how it makes you feel.

I strive to create work that holds these elements and the use of stitch, both hand and machine, helps to facilitate this.

If you are a feltmaker, consider adding machine and/or hand stitching - you can turn a ho hum piece of work into something really special.

I hope that your endeavours are bringing you much satisfaction this week in whatever medium you are currently addicted to!



  1. Your stitching really gives your felted pieces full use of their voice ! THe leaves especailly speak of their origins when the stitch is added!! Thank so much for the inspiration!!!

  2. Hi! I love your stuff! Thanks for the tip! I am working on a new piece and I hand felt all the background with layers of chesecloth, organza etc. It seems to me that you wet felt all your backgrounds first?
    I should try that soemtime, It does make the appearance very different I think.

  3. Beautiful work! I love your colours

  4. Lovely colours and felt. Your tomatoes make me dream of the summer and the smell of home grown produce.

  5. I am going to take your advice. I have been getting more into felting and just love it and you are such an inspiration to me. Such lovely colors and your creations are gorgeous. Thanks for your generous sharing.

  6. These pieces are delightful Elizabeth and I can see that they have given you a great deal of pleasure making them.

  7. I am in total agreement with everything you said in that post.
    Hear hear!

  8. I think your work is very beautiful.

    I like very much the colors you use and how the stitches follow the different shapes on your design, giving it some relief to what you desire.

    It is a lot like quilting..

  9. I have to agree - well, lets say the way you use stitching can certainly turn ho-hum into special!!

  10. I just enjoyed a stroll scroll down your blog and loved all that you do with textiles and color. Wonderful textures! Nummy,yummy!

  11. Very nice work and very inspirational.

  12. your work is indeed stunningly beautiful. I am so happy to have discovered your blog today:)
