
Friday, February 26, 2010

Going off on a tangent.................

Hi dear friends,
Funny how tangents get in the way of everything else you had planned. They get a grip and won't let go until you get them out of your system. This week it was just making stripy felt and what effects you could get with the same yarns with different coloured backgrounds.

What are they for? Who knows! Does it really matter? Of course not!!

Testing yarns for felted strength - not all yarns are great felted. The higher the percentage of wool the better.

Neutrals for a change

Flat ribbony yarns and thick slubby yarns.

Like furrows in a field

The trouble in this creative life, is getting caught up in the almighty dollar. Fresh, lovely and original ideas evaporate in worries about production and supply, commissions and orders.

So this week to all you fab friends creating out there - find time to experiment, to try something new. Work in different colours, add a new element. Try a different shape, try an old idea in a different size. Work outside, work with friends.

We make art because we have to, that is the sort of folk we are - but do we have to be so driven that time to just have fun - with no thought for the outcome is overlooked?

I hope not!



  1. Your work is so amazingly beautiful!!

  2. I agree totally - arty crafty work is so uplifting we should do it because we can and because its good for us!!

  3. How do you do it!? I think you do things really really beautiful!

    One question, which is going to be the use of this really beautiful work?

  4. I have just packed up work for a big show and I am with you...time to play!!!

  5. Lovely photos, really inspirational
    thanks for sharing

  6. What a delightful array of colour and a great way to use up scraps of yarn.

  7. Hi girls,
    Thanks for posting - I check every morning to be sure I haven't missed anything!
    Alba - I am not sure what thse pieces will be
    but will post a pic if I do anything worthwhile.
    Andrea - best of luck for the show I hope you "knock 'em dead" so to speak!

    The weekend is coming ladies - go have FUN!
    Love E

  8. Whatever you turn these into will be magnificent. As they are beautiful just as they are and ARE works of art already.

  9. You've done a lovely job with these. I'm new to felting, but what a wonderfully expressive textile!!I love these.

  10. I am enjoying your felt and fibre experiments

  11. Hi Elizabeth! I just stumbled across your blog from Autumn Summerfield's blog and wow, your work is just gorgeous. I love, love, love your colors and am now going to spend some time reading your older posts. Nelly is adorable!

  12. We do have to make (otherwise I'm a bit grumpy I think!!!).
    Love these new pieces Elizabeth and I can feel the need for a new felted scarf for the winter coming on.

    Jacky xox
