
Friday, March 5, 2010

Teaching in Geelong last weekend

Howdy dear friends,

Hoping everyone has had a lovely week. I simply cannot recall what has happened between Monday and today - no doubt something!

Anyway last weekend had a great time away teaching in Geelong. Day 1 we felted to our hearts content and then on Day 2 we embellished our felt creations until they were so gorgeous we really should have sold tickets at the door.

Thought you might like to see some of the students and their results. I love going away to teach, the best fun is always had and I think that everyone really pulls together to help each other to achieve their very best. I guess it is a sense that anything is possible.

Taking a breather to prowl around the room!

Lovely Doreen working hard at her landscape piece. Day 1

Trees and foliage at the end of the wet felting session.

Judy creating leaves and add ons with the embellisher Day 2.

Smiley Mary working hard on Day 2

Mary's gorgeous results
How thrilling, a lump of fluff - to a work of art.
Now that's my kind of magic!
Hoping that everyone is experiencing a little magic this week. Have a relaxing weekend.


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time and what wonderful pieces are emerging.

  2. Such lucious pieces, fabulous color and a great teacher!! What more could one ever want???
    So inspirational!!!

  3. Fun to see others making such beauty.

  4. This looks like such fun Elizabeth and love what the girls all made.
    I know one of the girls, Doreen. I worked with her briefly at Gates many years ago. She was a wonderful quilter and doll maker.

    Jacky xox

  5. There is some gorgeous work here Elizabeth.You must have been thrilled as their teacher to see such exciting works!

  6. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing. Wish I coulda been there. I'll have to make do at home, pulling out my roving now;-)

  7. Beautiful work and everyone looks happy and like they're having fun! :o)

  8. Very nice work and very beautiful face. Shows that love is what makes

  9. Absolutely Gorgeous Pieces, love them xo
