
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Righto - this is what I have been doing!

Dear friends,
Here is a sampling of photos of what I have been up to this 6 weeks! I can only say it was absolutely wonderful and very full on. Last week I was spoilt rotten with a box of truffles from Haighs - I have yet to demolish them they are so beautifully wrapped. I also received a couple of cards and just wanted to share them with you.

Here is one of the handmade cards I received.

On the inside cover a Grade 5's opinion of felt making! How absolutely groovy! Of course I was a bit teary as I often am over such treasures.

Here are her thoughts on the whole felt experience. Sorry it is a little hard to see properly - please enlarge.

Grade 2 little flower fairies. The heads and feet are created with papier mache balls.

Grade 5 wall dolls. I so wanted to bring them all home!

Stitching and face drawing were also covered. With lots of practise on achieving expression and creating a character.

Buttons were added for extra dimension and interest.

Grade 3 stuffed birds - we had such variety from swans to peacocks to parrots and more!

They now adorn the art room.

Grade 6 worked with creating form through floral themes and these were mounted onto mixed media boards.

The variety in all year levels has just been astounding and I am so thrilled with the results.
I learn so much every year - not only with methodolgy in teaching children but also what can actually be achieved given a bit a of guidance and exciting colours to work with.
When I started teaching as an artist in residence about 9 years ago, little did I realize how much it would enrich my life.

Just before I go a little update on Nell. Here she is in the lounge room happy on yet another chair she is now calling her own. She has been regularly getting into trouble and I have a feeling, bossing the other neighbourhood cats around. They no longer pass through our back garden!

Literally one minute earlier she was happy posing, but soon got sick of it.
If you have reached the end of this long post then thankyou!
Hoping everyone has something lovely planned for the weekend ahead.


  1. What a wonderful post! The projects are gorgeous! You amaze me, always!

  2. Oh I LOVEEEEEEEEE those dolls. Such wonderful rainbow colors and the blanket on the chair too with the pretty kitty on it. Sweet. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!

  3. What wonderful work the children have created under your inspiring guidance!

  4. It was just SO LOVELY seeing all the childrens' work. I really miss seeing childrens' Art Work!!(I used to teach).They have had a memorable experience, and I bet you are glad you took photos. I bet they loved having you teach them.Thanks for the great pics.

  5. The children's work is absolutely spectacular! You must be a great teacher (I'd have LOVED to have been a 3rd grader when you were there teaching them how to felt such treasures).

  6. These look amazing. You have left these children with a wonderful memory of a beautiful craft they will treasure forever.

  7. What a fantastic blog - you have created some amazing stuff with the children - they will be so proud of their creations and will remember the fun they had all their lives!!!

  8. um, i wanna be a child in your class!!! any grade! :)

  9. wow wonderfull arts they made!! they must be feeling very proud of them selves now!
