
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scarves and Leaves.........

Hi dear friends!
Here are some images of a class I taught a couple of weekends ago. Some ladies had never felted before yet we managed to produce 12 sensational scarves. It was just too cold to model them as they were still damp at the end of the day.
Only of the loveliest parts was that there were 4 sets of Mums and daughters! How groovy is that!

As I ponder on the nature of teaching and the reasons that students arrive to be taught, I often wonder what has brought them to me. For the most part, it is to learn the ancient art of felting and yet time and time again there are students who really are just as happy spending time with a friend, a mother, a daughter a cousin and just want to have a fab day together.
The bonus is in learning a new skill at the same time.

One student who arrived with 4 friends on the weekend said " You know, this is better than just meeting for lunch" . Surely this is what life is all about? Spending time with those you love and I know it is sounds really cliche, but creating a day that is a lovely memory too.
Then of course there are students who arrive to do something "girly" as they live in a household of men, those that need time away from heavy home duties and simply to get away form the phone and all the nagging things that make up the routine of our lives.
Classes are often given as a gift from a family member and many is the time I have been truly humbled teaching those with cancer or other handicap.
So if you are stuck for an idea for a get together with your friend or friends, consider trying a new art form and find a tutor - with any luck it may just be felting!

Here are all those leaves from a little while back. All stitched into place - DMC and Anchor
perle threads in size 3 and 5.

I had a lovelyt time stitching them and mucking around with the shades.

It is so cold here at the moment! I just have to get into bed!
Cheers for now and good night!


  1. What a lovely bunch! Of people and scarves. It looks like a great time was had by all and that includes you.

    I look forward to seeing the finished piece with the leaves. That is a lot of leaves!

  2. What a lovely atmosphere it must have been and they all look so relaxed!
    I love your leaves and especially the middle photo, would it be too cheeky to ask if I could print it off and just look at it? It is so beautiful, I promise that is all I'd do with it!
    Sandie xx

  3. I have found that people come to my classes to satisfy the same needs (and I try to learn at other classes for the same as well!). You have expressed it so nicely. I adore reading your blog, and hope you don't mind that I've chosen the same background for mine. Best wishes.

  4. They look a great bunch. I love their creations, sign of a very good teacher.

  5. A joy to see such happiness.

  6. Hi Girls!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to post.

    Jan I did have a lovely time - although a large group is by definition a lot of work, the results are so ecouraging for all of the students to see what variations can be done with a single technique.

    Sandie, no worries I have no problem with that.
    Thankyou so much for asking. It is normal etiquette to check with an artist, but I think people do forget. As long as images aren't printed or distributed without my knowledge I am way OK!

    Hi Lindy! I don't mind in the least - it shows we both have excellent taste!

    dear ro - you are so good for a girl's ego!

    Chat again soon
    Love Elizabeth

  7. Although I knew your name and work I had just found your blog via via for the first time. so nice to 'meet' you.
    Elis Vermeulen

  8. Well its really hot in the UK! I think it is so satisfying working with a group and being able to fulfill some need, whatever that may be. I like your stuffed birds and the dolls with expression.

  9. Hello Elizabeth, so glad your workshop went so well and fun was had by all. I love your multi coloured leaves scarf, it's senstational!

    Hope you are well
    Lots of love
    Carolyn x

  10. Hi. Just wanted to say i love your blog and beautiful felt work! Ive just started felting msyelf and only onto my third wet felt project, but i love felting and have become addicted to it, always planning and thinking felt everywhere i go.
    Your blog has been a total inspiration for me! I spend quite a lot of time going back and forward through all your pages totally in awe of everything. Its really helping me to think differently for my next planned project, and your pictures of work in progress i love because its heloing me with what i imagine but have struggled to get out as yet.
    How lucky are the school children you have been working with, i think its fantastic they can experience your teaching and how felt is made.
    Best wishes, Nikki xxx

  11. Hello again friends - thankyou for posting
    and I am so pleased nikkinikkinikki72
    that you have found the blog useful!

    It is good for recording and marshalling my thoughts I find.

    Best wishes
    and happy creating!
