
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just to let you know!

Dear friends,
Once again I need to apologise for being totally lax in writing my posts!
Well I have a very good reason - I have finally decided to tell you!
I am in the middle of writing a book!!!! A book on the way that I felt. A book with technique and instructions but more concentration on images. I firmly believe that artists learn visually.
They analyse images very quickly and get just as much, if not more information from an image rather than excessive text.
SO there will be lots of photos included.
It is for this reason that I have not been revealing any recent photos of finished work. Needless to say I have been working hard ( I promise!) and just want to keep the projects as a bit of a surprise.
I plan to have it finished in time for Christmas and will be publishing it myself. I really don't know the cost as yet but will fill you in when the quotes come in.
Any expressions of interest are of couse warmly welcome and just as soon as it is ready you will be the first to be emailed. Funnily enough I am starting to get quite excited!
On the working front I am at another school creating an underwater installation.
More soon,
Lots of Love


  1. How exciting!!!! Put my name down for one :) This will surely be a feast for the eyes.
    Cynthia Reynolds
    in Norway

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Best of luck with the book - keep us up-dated!

  4. Cool, congratulations!
    I am very interested, will wait :)))

  5. I am definatley looking forward to this! Hope all goes well and please let me know when its out.

  6. oooh I look forward to this! I was recently at the Bendigo Sheep and wool show and saw the Victorian felmakers. Hoped you'd be there to say hello. Another time perhaps.

  7. I am certain it will be a book that I will want so I will definitely be watching this space!!

  8. Put me down for a book too. Im quite excited because i'm a newbie to felting.
    I love your blog and work and agree that pictures are a great way for learning. Just through looking at your pictures and how students have worked has heled me loads.
    Good luck with your publishing!
    Nikki xxx

  9. Exciting news Elizabeth! I have been trying to find your class schedule for the next few months.
    Am ready to start felting again!

  10. Hi,
    I have just come across your blog ... your work is really lovely. I felt a bit but just for fun ` mostly I paint and stitch, although I had my daughter and friends over to felt about two weeks ago and the results were great.
    Very best wishes and good luck with your book ... it will be great!

  11. I'm looking forward to your book! To put all of your energy and your imagination into a book is something special. Good luck with it!
    Have a nice day!

  12. I have only recently come across your blog, having started to dabble with felt. Your work is certainly a feast for the eyes and I can't wait to see the book, so I'll be keeping my blogging eyes open and it will be on my Christmas list for sure.

  13. As you know Elizabeth, I'll definitely have one. I've seen a sneak peak and it looks fabulous.

  14. Dear Friends
    Thankyou so much for all your interest and beautifuk words! You give me much encouragement and I will work hard to get it all done.
    Chat soon,

  15. This is so great to hear! Do please let us know when it is coming out. I would be delighted to give you some promotion on my website (no strigns attached!).
    Im also a felter and I love love the amazing use of color and textures in your work.

    Good luck to you!

  16. Please include me as an 'interested party' I am just back from holiday and trying to catch up with all I have missed,so forgive this brief comment. Sheila

  17. Good luck with the book. Put me down as an interested party. Don't forget to relax, sometimes you can get bogged down.

  18. I would love a copy as well. Your work is really beautiful and inspirational.

  19. Congratulations on the book - how exciting, and your teaching sound to be v. rewarding too.

  20. I am interested in your book, so please let me know, I admire your work !!!!!!!
    a big greetings from Buenos Aires in Argentina.

  21. I am certainly interested!!! You are a wonderful teacher--- and I look forward to the book!

  22. OOOO Elizabeth, please dont forget me i'd love to have your book, how exciting

    Karen xoxo

  23. Elizabeth, I am eagerly awaiting your book. Not just for me but also as a wonderful present for fellow felters. As my broken wrist seems to be fully mended I will be back felting fairly soon and hope to get another class or two.

  24. Please let me know when it will be available. Anxiously awaiting....

  25. I am interested in your book too Elizabeth. Please keep me informed. Your work is lovely.

  26. Am looking forward to seeing your book Elizabeth, and of course I will want a copy also. Ros

  27. I can hardly expect it to review your new book in our felting journal! Colourful greetings from Germany, Marion

  28. wonderful! I hope it is ready soon?? count me in!! Hugs Linda

  29. I would love to know when it is available!

    Susan Langdon
    Omaha, Nebraska USA

  30. I d love to have your book!!!!!
    I like your work very much!!
    Gaby an Argentine felter and follower !

  31. I'm not a felter (yet) but I visit your site often because I love the colours and imagery you produce. Your book could be the one that spurs me to action!

  32. I'd be interested in this book.

    It looks inspirational!


  33. I love your work so can't wait to see the book. Keep me posted1

  34. I'm very interested in the book too!

  35. elizabeth, your book is much awaited!!!! it looks great!

  36. Elizabeth, thank you the most wonderful work shop today, eagerly awaiting the release of Felt Happy!

  37. Love your work and your blog! I'm taking my place in the Q for your book (which I'm sure will be gorgeous and inspirational) Can.Not.Wait!

  38. Hi Elizabeth, finally adding my name down for your new book!

  39. Yes, I'd love to get your book. Your work is beautiful and inspiring.

  40. Looking forward to your book. Your felt creations are beautiful!

  41. I love your blog, love your felted creations and would love a copy of your book!

  42. I would like to purchase your book too - the work you do with children is inspiring.

  43. Me too on the book list please I am not sure if I already put my name down or not

  44. Your book looks interesting. I would be interested in purchasing.

  45. I'm interested too, please add me to your list

  46. Looks very interesting...I'd like to be on the list.

  47. Heartiest congratulations Elizabeth, a milestone! If any copies left would love to buy for a young friend. Very best wishes, Janet.

  48. Sounds great I love your work and a book filled with it would be fabulous!

  49. Congratulations on your new book!I am looking forward to your book, if you have a list going please add me. I will watch for your news via facebook..all the best!
