
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The lovely straight stitch

Hi dear friends,
Thankyou to everyone for your comments in the last post! I always let the children know that people are interested in their artwork and although we are accustomed to informing each other about our own artwork, children are just thrilled to bits to know that there are poeple out there in the world that are keen to see what they have achieved. They are so surprised that anyone would be interested. So thankyou!

Meanwhile I am working on a small piece that has yet to reveal its purpose to me, so am stitching whilst I wait. The lovely straight stitch is just so effective for outlining and light quilting effects.

Once again I am doing the simple straight stitch and am really enjoying it. My favourite threads are perle 3 and perle 5. The sheen is just so beguiling.

Now usually I am a purist for using natural fibres. Wool, silk, soy, bamboo, linen etc. Now and then I break out and use something entirely SYNTHETIC!!!!!!!!!

The white spotty fabric was such an instance and you can see they are a flocked circle on a very fine bridal tulle. Just gorgeous really! I love the way the net almost disappears and leaves the white spots floating above the wool.

There is still quite a way to go. Some machine stitching next I think!
See you soon


  1. Wonderful work Elizabeth. Your felt pieces are so vibrant. Makes me want to get my felt colours out! Love your leafy header too. Love those Autumn colours with the blue. Lovely!

    Lots of best wishes
    Carolyn :o)

  2. dear elisabeth
    i just found your blog among those thousands and thousands - i`m deeply impressed.
    lots of greetings

  3. Have you taken your laptop into a class and shown them our commments so they can see all the palces that the comments come from??? Their teacher could turn it into a geography lesson!!!
    Love this piece and had to do a double take when I saw the tulle- thought that you were going to do some more felting after the stitching!!!!!

  4. Very pretty! Lovely colours, so vibrant.
