
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Still stitching........................

Dear friends,
Well the Watery World continues with the felting having taken place. It was so large that it was felted by walking on it for about 4 hours, then lots of rolling another half day and then some massaging and rubbing. Lots of little feet walked up and down and back and forth and because we kept rotating with new people every 10 minutes, nobody became bored!

Here you can see many of the 3D items in place and it really is just lovely.
These photos were taken today, standing on a chair and reaching my arms out as far as they would go to get the whole work in! It measures 2.2 metres by about 1.7 metres. It will be easier when it is vertical and I can get a better angle on it.

Everyone loves the octopus and I must confess that he is one of me faves as well.

Crabs clinging to rocks

and a little of school of fish in the background - travelling in a very purposeful way. Eventually it is going to be hung in a new part of the school still under construction. At least the art will be ready on time!

This is my only piece of work this week - using odds and ends of merino and some throwsters silk. When I am tired I find that making something with no purpose is really quite restful. No end result to worry about, no measurements to consider, no shapes or colours to plan.
Just making for the joy of it.
It is an attitude and state of mind that can yeild great results. Not every time of course, but certainly unexpected and quite removed from what one would normally achieve.
Hoping everyone has time to make a little something this week, simply for the joy of creating.


  1. What a wonderful project. You had a great job with all the children!!

    Greatings from The Netherlands, Els

  2. I love this whimsical piece of ART!!! How fun that so many got to have a foot in it too.
    And yes, I agree that creating just to create with no particular challenge or set of rules to follow is how it should be!

  3. What a fabulous creation to expose the kiddo's to!!! They will be talking of walking on their art project for years to come!!! HWat an amazing gift you are to their lives!!! I wisht athe very school that works with young children could have one of you- thoughta bout cloning yourself????? LOL!!!! Love you circles and bits piece- so lovely!!!

  4. That is just fantastic - clever you and clever kids - they will remember it for ever!!

  5. Wow, a lot of work, but what a beautiful piece of art you and the kids made!

  6. This is truly a work of art. Beautiful.

  7. I love all that colour!

  8. Very lovely work! Your beautiful colours always make me happy. Nice greatings, Claudia

  9. Hi!!

    I was drifting by and found you!! I love your
    felting creations they are beautiful!! I just
    started to felt and made a felted ATC to trade
    with a new found friend in England. Please
    pop over to my blog and scroll down to "A Peach
    of and ATC" post. Tell me what you think ok?

    Happy Roving!!

    Art of Mine
