
Friday, September 3, 2010

100th Posting!

Hi to all!
This is my 100th posting! Hurrah! I am so pleased to have started this blog - having met so may wonderful friends. I think I may have held off for a while thinking it was all too hard but in reality it has become a very real part of my day! How important it is to remain open minded.
I check in every morning and catch up on everyones news and feel that before I have left my seat I have travelled to so many wonderful places!

Well Spring is having a wobbly start here in Melbourne. Maybe this has something to do with the shades of this felt I am working on! Very much more subdued for me as you can tell but no less enjoyable. I always find changing just one element in my work a good challenge. The most obvious is colour. But you could easily select shape, size, orientation, decoration or subject amongst others.

These seed beads are so lovely a brushed golden colour - not too shiny! They look a reasonable size here but the whole container is only about an inch across!

Selecting threads to enhance the felt.

Over coordinating is always an easy hole to fall into. Throwing in something out of the ordinary keeps it fresh.

I hope everyone has something really lovely planned for the weekend. I have 5 super students coming tomorrow so I better not stay glued to this laptop all night!
Cheers until next time,


  1. Congratulations on your 100th posst! My next blog post will be my 100th and I plan to have a giveaway, stop by if you are interested. I have been much entertained by reading your blog and also much inspired. Blogging is a wonderful world of generous sharing and friendliness, much more than I had imagined before I began. I love the subtle colors in this new piece you have begun. Have fun with your upcoming class. Oh, I am definitely expressing an interest in your soon to be published book!
    Happy felting and happy blogging and a very happy anniversary to you!

  2. Super, 100 posts! A good start for the Spring, here in Spain the summer is coming to an end.
    Looks you are making a very beautiful felt!
    Enjoy your class tomorrow.

  3. Congratulations on your 100th blog post!
    Wonderful isn't it?
    Love the felt project.

    Sandie xx

  4. Congratulations on your milestone!!
    I, for one, am VERY glad that you blog!!
    You make wonderful projects and I enjoy the glimpse into your teaching life as well!

  5. Congratulations on your 100th post Elizabeth! Such fun connecting with other bloggers isnt it?

    Beautiful, soft colours in your latest work, looks yummy!

    Jacky xox

  6. Congratulations on your 100th post. How utterly delicious that piece of felt is. So subtle. I am envious of you stating spring now as we are into Autumn and this summer has been so bad for those of us in the north.

  7. Congratulations Elizabeth, we're so glad you started a blog, giving us so much inspiration. This new piece looks beautiful, your colour combinations are always stunning, the lime, yellow adds the zing.

  8. Congratulations on making 100! I do enjoy reading your blog, and find the pictures inspirational. Thank you, and please keep going!

  9. Thankyou so much everyone - you do encourage me greatly and I must say I would sorely miss reading and writing every week now. Funny how quickly we make new habits for ourselves!
    Best wishes and lots of love

  10. Hello Elizabeth,
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!on your 100th post....
    and I love your header and the gorgeous softness of colour you are using right now...xx..julia
